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发布时间:2018-04-27 11:03

  本文选题:民意 + 司法 ; 参考:《淮北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, it can be seen that the influence of public opinion on judicial activities is gradually deepening. It has been not only in the trial of the case, but also throughout the judicial process. Although public opinion can provide positive help to judicial activities to some extent, the negative influence of public opinion on judicature can not be ignored. In judicial practice, the conflict between public opinion and justice has become obvious. How to better coordinate the relationship between the two is an important issue that we need to study deeply. This paper is based on the objective situation of current judicial practice. Through the analysis of the relationship between public opinion and judicature, this paper tries to put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for coordinating the relationship between public opinion and judicature. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is an introduction. Through the discussion of the background and significance of the research and the enumeration of popular cases which have been concerned by various circles of society in recent years, the author points out that the participation of public opinion in judicial practice is an objective fact without any doubt. Then, the research situation at home and abroad is described in detail, and some problems caused by the participation of public opinion in the administration of justice are pointed out. The second part is to the public opinion and the judicial concept and the characteristic elaboration. Firstly, it discusses the concept and characteristics of public opinion in detail; secondly, it discusses the concept and characteristics of judicature; finally, it lists some classic cases for concrete analysis and explanation. The third part discusses the rationality of public opinion participation in the administration of justice from two angles of theoretical basis and positive significance. The theoretical basis includes the theory of people's sovereignty, the theory of humanism and the theory of separation of powers and checks and balances, and the positive meaning includes making up the loopholes of the law. Promoting judicial justice, preventing abuse of power, obtaining the support of public opinion and effectively curbing judicial corruption provide a reasonable basis for public opinion to participate in the administration of justice. The fourth part is to analyze the conflict of public opinion participation in the administration of justice. First of all, it points out the conflict performance of public opinion participation in justice with typical cases, mainly the conflict between legal thinking and moral thinking, the conflict between legal facts and the facts recognized by public opinion, and the conflict between procedural justice and substantive justice. Then the causes of the conflict are systematically analyzed, and finally the negative impact of public opinion participation in the administration of justice is elaborated in detail, which mainly hinders judicial justice, affects the independence of the judiciary and damages the judicial authority. The fifth part mainly discusses the harmonious interaction mechanism between public opinion and judicature. By actively guiding and responding to public opinion, actively publicizing judicial information, strengthening the reasoning of adjudication documents, standardizing the supervision of the news media and public opinion, and perfecting the mediation system, In order to alleviate the tension between the public opinion and the judiciary, the case guidance should be adopted in order to establish a harmonious and interactive mechanism for public opinion to participate in the administration of justice by means of communicating public opinion and perfecting the system of people's supervisors.


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