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发布时间:2018-04-30 03:39

  本文选题:电子诉讼 + 实践模式 ; 参考:《当代法学》2016年05期

[Abstract]:Under the background of information age, the emergence and rapid development of electronic litigation, as a new mode of litigation, is the inevitable outcome and result of the influence of electronic network technology on the judicial system. Also is the national informationization strategy in the court trial work concrete display. At the present stage, the practice of electronic litigation in our country is constantly groping, and gradually developing the mode of practice suitable for one's own needs: the stage mode and the whole process mode, the auxiliary mode and the juxtaposition mode. The practice of electronic litigation in China is faced with legal problems, which restrict the development and effect of electronic litigation. Under the condition that the first trial has already achieved initial results but lacks the legal basis, it is an urgent task to put forward and construct the electronic litigation legislation in time. The object of adjusting the practice of electronic litigation has already existed. The need for legislation and the existence of the regulability of legislation constitute the necessary foundation of legislation of electronic litigation in our country.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;吉林大学理论法学研究中心;
【基金】:吉林大学司法数据应用研究中心的阶段性成果 “2011计划”司法文明协同创新中心成果 国家社科基金重点项目(16AFX013)的阶段性成果


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