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发布时间:2018-04-30 07:08

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 + 庭前会议 ; 参考:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012年修订后的《刑事诉讼法》首次对庭前会议制度进行了规定,该法第182条第2款规定:“在开庭以前,审判人员可以召集公诉人、当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人,对回避、出庭证人名单、非法证据排除等与审判相关的问题,了解情况,听取意见。”据此,我国刑事诉讼中首次确定了庭前会议制度。刑事诉讼庭前会议制度是完善我国刑事审判程序的重要举措,它对提高我国刑事诉讼效率、节约诉讼成本、加强司法公正等都将起到不可替代的重要作用。但由于庭前会议制度是2012年修订后的《刑事诉讼法》中确立的新制度,现行法律关于该制度的程序定位及内容设置都较为模糊,使其在适用时未能完全发挥出立法时的预期效果,并且目前学者们对庭前会议制度的研究也未能从实质上探究出该制度亟待明晰的问题,所以庭前会议制度还存在很多值得进一步研究并予以完善的地方。因此,本文以对这一制度的理论研究为基础,并对该制度的立法内容及相关缺陷进行分析,加之与域外国家的比较及启示,从而提出一些有益于我国庭前会议制度发展的建议,以此期望可以对完善我国刑事诉讼庭前会议制度起到些许帮助,进而推动我国刑事诉讼的发展进步。 本文将通过四个部分对我国庭前会议制度进行研究,首先主要阐述的是庭前会议制度的基本理论,具体从该制度的基本概念和价值功能上进行论述。同时还比较了理论上容易与庭前会议程序相混淆的相关程序,期望能够为后文更好的研究该程序打下基础;第二部分阐述了与他国相似制度的比较及从比较中所获得的启示,期望能够通过该比较,汲取出有益于完善我国庭前会议制度的经验内容;第三部分主要阐述的是对我国庭前会议制度的相关评析,以此探究出该制度需要进一步完善的地方,以便后文具有针对性地对庭前会议需要改进的地方提出完善建议;正文最后提出了如何完善我国庭前会议制度的具体建议,此部分是从“合理确定庭前会议的主持人员、庭前会议须解决的基本问题、庭前会议的启动方式及效力、庭前会议的时间及次数、庭前会议与法庭审理的有效衔接”这五个方面来对如何完善我国庭前会议制度进行论述并提出有益参考的。
[Abstract]:The 2012 revised Code of Criminal procedure provides for the first time the system of pre-trial meetings, article 182, paragraph 2, of which states: "before the opening of a court session, a judge may convene a public prosecutor, a party and a defender, an agent ad litem, and a recusal," Questions related to the trial, such as the list of witnesses in court, the exclusion of illegal evidence, etc. According to this, the system of pre-court meeting has been established for the first time in criminal proceedings in our country. The system of conference before criminal proceedings is an important measure to perfect the criminal trial procedure in our country. It will play an irreplaceable role in improving the efficiency of criminal proceedings, saving the cost of litigation and strengthening judicial justice. However, as the pretrial meeting system is a new system established in the revised Criminal procedure Law in 2012, the procedural orientation and content setting of the current law on the system are rather vague. So that it can not give full play to the expected effect of legislation when it is applied, and at present, scholars' research on the system of pre-trial meeting has not been able to explore in essence the problems that need to be clarified urgently. Therefore, there are still a lot of places worth further study and perfect. Therefore, based on the theoretical study of this system, and the analysis of the legislative content and related defects of the system, in addition to the comparison and enlightenment with foreign countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions beneficial to the development of the pretrial conference system in China. In this way, it can help to perfect the system of criminal proceedings before court meeting, and then promote the development and progress of criminal proceedings in our country. This article will carry on the research through the four parts to our country pre-trial meeting system, first of all mainly elaborated is the pre-court meeting system basic theory, concretely carries on the elaboration from the basic concept and the value function of the system. At the same time, it also compares the related procedures which are easily confused with the procedure of the pretrial conference in theory, hoping to lay the foundation for a better study of the procedure later on. The second part expounds the comparison of similar systems with other countries and the enlightenment gained from the comparison. Through this comparison, the author expects to draw on the experience that is beneficial to the improvement of the pre-court conference system in China. The third part mainly expounds the relevant comments on the pre-court conference system of our country, so as to explore the areas where the system needs to be further improved. In order to put forward some suggestions on how to improve the pre-court meeting, the text finally puts forward some concrete suggestions on how to perfect the system of the pre-court meeting in our country, which is from the perspective of "reasonably determining the presiding personnel of the pre-trial meeting." The basic problems to be resolved in the pre-trial meeting, the manner and effect of the commencement of the pre-court meeting, the time and frequency of the pre-court meeting, This paper discusses how to perfect the system of pretrial meeting in our country and puts forward some useful references from the five aspects: the effective connection between the pretrial meeting and the trial.


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