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发布时间:2018-05-01 04:46

  本文选题:刑事见证 + 见证人权利 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The behavior of criminal witness is the result of the process of the justice of judicial procedure and the requirement of the society of rule of law. A criminal witness is the subject of a criminal witness. It refers to a person who is not involved in the case during the investigation procedures, such as investigation, search, seizure, etc., as well as in the procedure for the service of legal documents and after the conclusion of the procedure, It is a kind of subject with unique function in criminal procedure. It is of great significance to restrict the public power to protect private rights and to prevent unjust and false cases. Under procedural justice, the openness and transparency of the procedure require the emergence of the criminal witness system, and the function of the criminal witness depends on the protection of the witness's rights. The protection of the witness's right is an important aspect of the criminal witness system. It is the requirement of due process, power restriction and human rights protection. It is the embodiment of the principle of consistency of rights and obligations and the principle of benefit of litigation, but the protection of the rights of witnesses has always been neglected by scholars. There are three kinds of choice of witness system in the world: compulsory witness, free witness and exclusive witness. Combining the advantages and disadvantages of each witness system and the national conditions of our country, it is appropriate to establish the compulsory witness system in our country, and place the witness in the important position. More conducive to the realization of witness rights, so as to ensure the effective play of witness function. The protection of the rights of witnesses has such great significance. However, due to the influence of the legal tradition such as power standard, obligation standard and the emphasis on substance and light procedure, the current criminal witness legislation in our country is rather rough. The protection of the rights of criminal witnesses is hardly involved. The legal status of witnesses is unclear, the content of their rights is uncertain, and there is no legal remedy after infringement, which leads to the investigation right being greatly superior to the rights of witnesses. The supervision of investigation activities is weak, resulting in the lack of procedural justice escort. In view of the present situation, whether it is to directly meet the needs of the effectiveness of witness acts, or to adapt to the principle of procedural law, we need to pay attention to the protection of the rights of criminal witnesses in the legislation. Protecting the rights of witnesses is of great significance to improve witness system, protect witness function, prevent unjust and false cases, and safeguard procedural fairness and justice. Therefore, it is necessary to make clear the nature of the witness, the legal status and the type of rights of the witness, strengthen the supervision of the investigation right, establish the relief system of the witness's right, and put the rights of the witness into practice.


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