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发布时间:2018-05-01 17:44

  本文选题:表见证明 + 医疗诉讼 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:根据《侵权责任法》的规定,医疗诉讼一般实行过错责任原则,这固然能够有效减少“防御性医疗行为”,但是该原则的确立也会导致患者的举证困境,发生医疗纠纷时,患者往往会因为举证不能而使自己的权益得不到维护。为了平衡医患双方之间的利益,除了合理分配医疗机构和患者的举证责任之外,还需要相关制度的保障和完善。表见证明制度的引入,能够减轻患者的举证负担。本文拟在综合运用比较分析法、实证分析法、系统分析法等方法的基础上,介绍表见证明理论、分析表见证明在我国医疗诉讼适用的必要性以及在我国目前的制度环境下适用表见证明可能存在的障碍。在此基础上,探讨在医疗诉讼中表见证明的具体规则,以期对我国的医疗诉讼实践提供参考性意见。论文的重点是结合实务,对表见证明制度在我国医疗诉讼中适用的重要意义、具体规则进行详细分析。 文章第一部分主要是对表见证明的理论进行阐述,探析表见证明的含义、源起和发展、要件和范围,为了说明表见证明与事实推定是两种不同的机制,笔者在文中着重对二者进行了比较。表见证明在我国起步比较晚,为了进一步了解表见证明,也为更好在医疗纠纷诉讼中适用表见证明,对表见证明的理论解读彰显其重要性。 文章第二部分主要是对我国医疗纠纷举证责任在立法上的变化及争议进行介绍,说明我国对医疗纠纷解决的重视,,并且引用典型案例说明医疗纠纷证明责任在实务中遇到的困境,以此来论证在医疗纠纷中适用表见证明的必要性。 文章第三部分分析我国在医疗诉讼中适用表见证明可能存在的障碍,主要包括事实推定、证明标准、证据裁判主义、证据理论研究等方面的障碍,并针对这些障碍探讨解决之道。 文章第四部分主要是阐述表见证明制度在医疗诉讼中适用的具体规则,包括适用的具体要件、范围、效力、程序保障等。
[Abstract]:According to the Tort liability Law, the principle of fault liability is generally applied in medical litigation, which can effectively reduce "defensive medical behavior", but the establishment of this principle will also lead to the patient's burden of proof and lead to medical disputes. Patients are often unable to prove their rights and interests can not be protected. In order to balance the interests between doctors and patients, in addition to the reasonable distribution of the burden of proof of medical institutions and patients, there is also need for the protection and improvement of relevant systems. The introduction of apparent proof system can lighten the burden of proof for patients. Based on the comprehensive application of comparative analysis, empirical analysis, system analysis and other methods, this paper introduces the theory of proof. This paper analyzes the necessity of the application of tabular evidence in medical litigation in China and the possible obstacles in the application of tabular proof in the current institutional environment of our country. On this basis, this paper probes into the concrete rules of apparent proof in medical litigation, in order to provide reference opinions for the practice of medical litigation in our country. The emphasis of this paper is to analyze in detail the significance and specific rules of the application of this system in China's medical litigation. The first part of the article mainly expounds the theory of apparent proof, analyzes the meaning, origin and development, elements and scope of apparent proof, in order to explain that the apparent proof and the presumption of fact are two different mechanisms. In this paper, the author focuses on the comparison between the two. In order to further understand the apparent proof and to better apply it in the medical dispute litigation, the theoretical interpretation of the apparent proof shows its importance. The second part of the article mainly introduces the legislative changes and disputes of the burden of proof in medical disputes in our country, and explains the importance that our country attaches to the resolution of medical disputes. And cited the typical cases to illustrate the difficulties encountered in the practice of the burden of proof of medical disputes, to demonstrate the need to apply the evidence in medical disputes. The third part of the article analyzes the possible obstacles in the application of apparent proof in medical litigation in China, including the presumption of facts, the standard of proof, the doctrine of evidence adjudication, the research of evidence theory, and so on. The solution to these obstacles is also discussed. The fourth part of the article mainly expounds the specific rules of the application of the evidence system in medical litigation, including the specific requirements, scope, effectiveness, procedural protection and so on.


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7 高平;论表见证明在我国医疗诉讼中的适用[D];宁波大学;2014年




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