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发布时间:2018-05-01 18:33

  本文选题:刑事法律援助 + 律师的刑事豁免权 ; 参考:《西北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The criminal legal aid system is an indispensable link in the criminal procedure. The purpose of setting up the criminal legal aid system is to embody the fairness and justice of the law and to protect the weak persons in the society from having equal opportunities and rights of litigation. Both developed and developing countries, the criminal legal aid system has become the basic litigation system to protect the rights of citizens. With the deepening of the reform and opening up process and the increasingly complete construction of the rule of law, China's criminal legal aid system is also constantly improving and developing. However, due to the late start, the development of criminal legal aid in China is relatively slow, there are many problems. This article mainly discusses the criminal legal aid system of our country from the following four aspects, and provides some suggestions for the development of the legal aid system of our country. The first part expounds the problems existing in the criminal legal aid system of our country, mainly including the problems existing in the investigation, the examination and prosecution, the problems in the trial stage, the problems in the trial stage, and the existing problems in the criminal legal aid The problems in summary procedure and the problems in the process of criminal legal aid. The second part describes the reasons for these problems, including the impact of cultural concepts, the single legal system, the lack of funds, the public security bureau, procuratorates, courts and so on. The third part analyzes and compares the criminal legal aid system of Britain, Germany and Japan, and summarizes the experience that can be used for reference by our country. The fourth part puts forward the suggestion of perfecting our criminal legal aid system, mainly including perfecting the legislative system, establishing the system mechanism, expanding the source of funds and perfecting the security system.


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