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发布时间:2018-05-01 19:09

  本文选题:消费者公益诉讼 + 起诉主体 ; 参考:《延边大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国在《民事诉讼法》中确立了消费者公益诉讼制度,并于今年在新《消费者权益保护法》中确定了消费者公益诉讼的起诉主体。然而,对于消费者公益诉讼制度,我国仅仅在民诉法和消法中有少量条款涉及。可以说,我国关于消费者公益诉讼的规定过于原则化,现有的消费者公益诉讼制度并没有在消费者公益诉讼的请求类型、诉讼费用等方面做出细致的规定。 本文从我国消费者公益诉讼相关案例入手,对消费者公益诉讼不足进行分析,提出完善消费者公益诉讼的制度构想。 首先,在消费者公益诉讼的提起主体方面,考虑到案件的影响力以及复杂程度,笔者认为除消协外还要赋予检察机关、公民个人提起消费者公益诉讼的权利,同时还要确立以消费者协会为主、检察机关其次,公民个人最次的起诉顺序:其次,在请求类型方面,考虑到消费者公益诉讼在确认消费者范围、诉讼通知、赔偿金分配等方面的复杂程度,笔者认为我国现阶段应仅确立禁令请求、个人救济性损害赔偿请求和惩罚性赔偿请求三个请求类型;再次,对于诉讼费用,笔者认为不仅仅应当采用“按件收取”的方式,还应建立相应的损失保险制度;最后,为了提高起诉积极性同时防止滥诉,笔者认为还应建立起包括精神加物质奖励的激励机制以及诉前审查机制、禁止令制度与诉讼侵权机制三位一体的约束机制。
[Abstract]:Our country has established the consumer public interest lawsuit system in the Civil procedure Law, and this year in the new "Consumer Rights and interests Protection Law", has determined the consumer public interest lawsuit suing main body. However, for consumer public interest litigation system, there are only a small number of provisions in the law of civil action and the law of elimination. It can be said that the provisions of consumer public interest litigation in China are too principled, the existing consumer public interest litigation system has not made detailed provisions in the consumer public interest litigation request type, litigation costs and so on. This article starts with the relevant cases of consumer public interest litigation in China, analyzes the insufficiency of consumer public interest litigation, and puts forward the system conception of consummating consumer public interest litigation. First of all, in respect of the subject of consumer public interest litigation, considering the influence and complexity of the case, the author thinks that in addition to the Consumer Association, the procuratorial organs and individual citizens should be given the right to file consumer public interest litigation. At the same time, it is also necessary to establish the order of prosecution by consumer associations, procuratorial organs, and individual citizens. Secondly, in terms of the type of request, considering that consumer public interest litigation is confirming the scope of consumers, the notice of litigation, The author thinks that our country should only establish injunction request, individual relief damages claim and punitive damages claim at this stage. In my opinion, we should not only adopt the method of "collecting by piece", but also establish the corresponding loss insurance system. Finally, in order to improve the enthusiasm of prosecution and prevent the abuse of litigation, The author thinks that we should also establish the incentive mechanism including the spirit plus material reward and the pre-lawsuit review mechanism, and the restraint mechanism of the prohibition order system and the lawsuit tort mechanism.


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