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发布时间:2018-05-02 14:35

  本文选题:宪法 + 权利 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Lawyers play an important role in the construction of a harmonious society and are also an important force in governing the country according to the law and governing the country according to the constitution. The lawyer's right is the necessary condition for the lawyer to perform his duties correctly, to guarantee the justice of justice and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the litigants. In recent years, the state has issued related regulations to protect lawyers' right to practice. However, the effect is not obvious, the practice is not operable well, and the rights of practicing lawyers in our country have not been well protected. On this basis, this paper finds out the reasons for the inadequate protection of lawyers' rights in our country, analyzes it and puts forward some ways to improve it. This paper mainly studies the lawyer's right of practice, and the protection of the lawyer's own rights and interests is the premise and result of the protection of the lawyer's right of practice in essence, and is not the core and focus of this paper. The research of this thesis is divided into four chapters: chapter one: Overview of lawyer's right guarantee system. Through the introduction of lawyers' rights, we systematically recognize what rights lawyers in our country enjoy in the course of their practice; through the elaboration of the relationship between lawyers' rights and civil rights, To understand the significance of safeguarding lawyers' right to practice for the protection of citizens' fundamental rights; to raise the protection of lawyers' rights to the height of human rights protection by summarizing the relationship between lawyers' rights and the construction of the rule of law in China. We will promote the construction of socialist democracy and the rule of law with Chinese characteristics. This paper introduces the development and vicissitude of the lawyer's right guarantee system in our country, understands the historical background of the lawyer's system in our country, and provides the basis for the analysis of the reasons below. The second chapter: the analysis of the foreign lawyer's right safeguard, draw lessons from. In this paper, the author expatiates on the protection of lawyers' rights in several representative countries of Anglo-American law system and civil law system, and makes a comparative analysis to find out the gap between China's lawyer's right guarantee system and foreign lawyer's right guarantee system. Then it provides useful reference and reference for the perfection of our lawyer's right guarantee system. Chapter three: the analysis of the current situation and the reasons of the lack of the guarantee system of lawyers' rights in our country. First of all, it interprets the regulations on protecting lawyers' right to practise according to law from two aspects of theory and practice, then expounds the current situation of the protection of lawyers' rights in our country, and points out the deficiencies in the system of safeguarding the rights of lawyers in our country at the present stage. At last, the paper analyzes the reasons of insufficient protection, so as to solve the problem easily. The fourth chapter: perfect our country lawyer right safeguard system. From the system level, we perfect our lawyer's right guarantee system. Firstly, citizens should strengthen their constitutional consciousness and construct the legal culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and then support the protection of lawyers' rights through legislation: perfecting the provisions of lawyers' rights protection and establishing the relief mechanism of lawyers' rights; Then in the judicial level to protect the rights of lawyers: to build a legal professional community, improve the comprehensive quality of judges and prosecutors; finally, through improving the lawyer practice environment, Improve the quality of lawyers to improve the protection system of lawyers' rights. In conclusion, it is an important content to construct a socialist country ruled by law with Chinese characteristics to further emphasize the reality and necessity of the protection of lawyers' rights, and to perfect the protection system of lawyers' rights in our country by using foreign experience for reference.


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