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发布时间:2018-05-03 20:01

  本文选题:错案 + 错案责任 ; 参考:《外交学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Every mistake is a blow to the justice system, which represents the bottom line of social justice. Misdemeanors are no strangers to people, but there is no clear understanding of what misdeeds are. In the introduction part, this paper introduces the research direction and research status of the wrong case in the domestic academic field. The discussion of the wrong case originates from the practice of the system of investigating the responsibility of the wrong case, but the discussion of the meaning of the wrong case itself is less. In the first part, this paper systematically combs the definition theory of the concept of domestic wrong cases, including objective theory, subjective and objective unity theory, illegal behavior theory and triple standard theory, although the provisions of wrong cases are different in judicial practice. However, the standards adopted by the regulations have certain commonalities. In the second part, this paper analyzes the common criteria in the definition of wrong cases one by one, and thinks that there are two main problems in the definition of wrong cases in the past, one is that it is easy to confuse with the standard of investigating the responsibility of wrong cases. Second, the monitoring of the case procedures awareness is weak. In view of this, this paper puts forward to define the scope of wrong cases from the double standards of entity and procedure, and explains the connotation of the two standards respectively. The third part, combined with the latest provisions of judicial reform in wrong cases and judicial responsibility in our country, This paper briefly introduces the author's conception of the system of correction, liability and relief based on the standard of wrong case.


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