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发布时间:2018-05-04 15:49

  本文选题:刑事立案程序 + 立案标准 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Criminal procedure is an important part of the legal system of criminal procedure in our country. It not only belongs to the independent link of the legal system of criminal procedure, but also is the beginning of criminal procedure in our country. As we all know, criminal proceedings include the five stages of filing a case, investigating, prosecuting, trying, and executing. In these five stages, filing a case is in the first place and is the necessary stage for the judiciary to handle all kinds of criminal cases. It is beneficial to the realization of the criminal procedure law of punishing crime and protecting human rights. However, in recent years, there are some deficiencies in the provisions of the criminal procedure in our country, such as the high standard of filing, the unclear nature of initial investigation, the oversight mechanism of filing, and so on. This leads to the existence of non-standard phenomenon in the legislation and judicial practice of the criminal filing procedure, which needs to be improved theoretically, and then the function and value of the criminal filing degree system can be better brought into play in the judicial practice. Therefore, in order to further aim at the shortcomings of criminal filing procedure in theory and judicial practice, this paper puts forward some relevant suggestions and countermeasures, that is, to design scientific and reasonable filing standards and accurately define the nature of the initial investigation before the criminal case is put on file. Establish the criminal registration system and improve the criminal record supervision system to make up for the shortcomings of the criminal filing procedure. At the same time, in the process of perfecting the criminal filing procedure in legislation and judicial practice, this paper uses the method of comparative study to compare the provisions of the civil law system and the common law system in the criminal filing procedure in each country, the civil law system and the common law system. To enrich and enrich the contents of criminal filing procedure in theory and judicial practice in order to achieve the effective unification of standardization and rationality. So that the criminal procedure of our country can truly accord with the original intention of placing it in the primary position of the legal system of criminal procedure, and give full play to the due value of the criminal procedure. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes the outline of the criminal filing procedure, including the concept, characteristics and significance of the criminal filing procedure; the second chapter mainly investigates the foreign criminal filing procedures, respectively to the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Japan and other countries to investigate, and to evaluate the criminal filing procedures in that country and to our country can be used for reference. Chapter three describes the current situation and defects of criminal filing procedures in China, respectively from the criminal filing standards, The nature of the initial investigation and supervision of the criminal case are expounded, and the defects of the criminal filing procedure in China are analyzed. The fourth chapter puts forward the perfect countermeasures and ideas for the defects of the criminal filing procedure in our country.


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