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发布时间:2018-05-04 22:28

  本文选题:侦查秘密 + 媒体自由 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着司法改革的深入以及司法民主的推进,程序公开成为重要的关键词,引起了学术界的高度关注。不少学者依据“司法公开”、“审判公开”的基本原理进而提出了“侦查公开”,从而提高办案质量。但是此一观点是否妥当,值得商榷,这里存在着对侦查秘密原则的理解误区。 侦查秘密原则作为规范侦查程序的一项基本法律原则,在很多国家的法律中均有所体现。侦查秘密原则有其存在的正当依据和价值。当前社会,媒体自由与司法独立均是不可或缺的文明,而在司法实践中,二者也常发生冲突。媒体为了满足公众的知情权及自身发展的需要往往通过各种途径获取案件信息,这虽然构成了对司法的舆论监督,但是却侵犯了司法的独立性,从而给办案法官造成了巨大的压力。此时,,若不能坚持侦查秘密原则,而是一味的迎合大众舆论,就会阻碍我国司法独立、公正的进程。坚持侦查秘密原则对学术界与实务界来说具有重要的理论意义与应用价值。据此,本文共分为五个部分分别阐述了侦查秘密原则的内涵及理论依据、对其的理解误区、域外采取的模式、我国当前的适用现状与问题及相应的完善措施,共三万两千字。具体如下: 第一部分围绕侦查秘密原则的内涵及正当依据来进行论述,阐明侦查秘密原则包含的两层含义,同时指出侦查秘密原则并不是绝对的,还存在相应的例外。且侦查之所以遵循侦查秘密原则,主要是基于实现侦查目的、保障犯罪嫌疑人的无罪推定权及名誉权、保护犯罪嫌疑人、被害人、证人及其亲属的合法权益来考量的。 第二部分主要阐述了侦查秘密与侦查公开之论争,对当前学术界对侦查秘密原则的理解误区进行了评述。 第三部分主要介绍了侦查秘密原则的域外模式,即将域外国家和地区对待侦查秘密的态度分为三类:侦查秘密型,侦查有限秘密型,侦查公开型。 第四部分就我国目前侦查秘密原则的适用现状及问题两个层面予以阐述,在立法层面我国并未明确规定侦查秘密原则,只是在相关法律解释中有所体现,但在实践层面我国却存在侦查信息过度公开的问题,而这些问题产生的根源即在于我国侦查机关角色定位的偏离。 第五部分主要介绍了我国侦查秘密原则应该如何确立及完善。侦查秘密原则的确立作为一项国际通例,应成为我国刑事诉讼发展的应有之义。本部分主要就侦查秘密原则确立的内容及例外作以论述,然后针对如何发挥侦查秘密原则的规范和约束作用对其相关的规则与制度予以完善。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of judicial reform and the promotion of judicial democracy, procedure openness has become an important key word, which has aroused great concern in academic circles. Many scholars put forward "investigation publicity" according to the basic principle of "judicial publicity" and "trial openness", thus improving the quality of handling cases. However, whether this view is appropriate or not is open to question, and there are some misunderstandings about the principle of secret investigation. As a basic legal principle to standardize the investigation procedure, the principle of secret investigation is embodied in the laws of many countries. The principle of secret investigation has its proper basis and value. In current society, media freedom and judicial independence are both indispensable civilizations, and they often conflict in judicial practice. In order to meet the needs of the public's right to know and their own development, the media often obtain the case information through various channels, which constitutes the supervision of public opinion on the judiciary, but infringes on the independence of the judiciary. As a result, there is great pressure on the judge to handle the case. At this time, if we can not insist on the principle of secret investigation, but blindly cater to the public opinion, it will hinder the process of judicial independence and justice in our country. Sticking to the principle of secret investigation is of great theoretical significance and application value to academic and practical circles. According to this, this article is divided into five parts, respectively elaborated the investigation secret principle connotation and the theoretical basis, to its understanding mistake, the overseas adoption pattern, our country present application present situation and the question and the corresponding consummation measure, altogether 32000 words. The details are as follows: The first part discusses the connotation and proper basis of the principle of investigation secrets, clarifies the two meanings of the principle of investigation secrets, and points out that the principle of secret investigation is not absolute, and there are corresponding exceptions. The reason why investigation follows the principle of investigation secrets is mainly based on the realization of investigation purposes, the protection of criminal suspects' right of presumption of innocence and their right of reputation, and the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of suspects, victims, witnesses and their relatives. The second part mainly expounds the controversy between the investigation secret and the investigation openness, and comments on the misunderstanding of the investigation secret principle in the current academic circles. The third part mainly introduces the extraterritorial mode of investigation secret principle, that is, the attitude of foreign countries and regions towards investigation secret can be divided into three types: investigation secret type, investigation limited secret type, investigation public type. The fourth part expounds the current situation and problems of the application of the investigation secret principle in our country. At the legislative level, the principle of investigation secret is not clearly stipulated in our country, but it is reflected in the relevant legal interpretation. However, in practice, there are problems of excessive disclosure of investigative information in our country, and the root of these problems lies in the deviation of the role orientation of investigative organs in our country. The fifth part mainly introduces how to establish and perfect the principle of investigation secret in our country. As an international general rule, the establishment of the principle of secret investigation should become the proper meaning of the development of criminal procedure in our country. This part mainly discusses the contents and exceptions of the principle of investigation secrecy, and then consummates the relevant rules and systems in order to give full play to the normative and binding role of the principle of investigation secrets.


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