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发布时间:2018-05-05 00:10

  本文选题:审前延押制度 + 延押期限 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:审前延押作为一种强制措施,其目的主要是保障刑事诉讼的顺利进行,应当被谨慎适用。但是在司法实践中侦查延期羁押却达到了 100%的情况,这并不符合延期羁押的立法目的。虽然目前审前延押制度已经初步形成,但因为审前羁押制度自身立法的不完善导致实践中适用出现了偏差,对犯罪嫌疑人的人权造成了严重的威胁,所以本文将审前延押作为选题。探究目前审前延押存在的问题,希望能得出有效的建议,改进审前延押制度。本文主要用实证分析的方法和系统分析的方法,通过数据分析实践中存在的问题和立法上存在的问题。本文通过研究发现很多问题产生的原因也并不单纯是延押制度本身特有的,而是整个刑事羁押制度运作不和谐导致的。因此,本文得出要延长审前羁押期限得在法律上通过不同的程序性规定将羁押期限与办案期限的概念进行分离,在此基础上,明确延长羁押期限的条件以及批准机关,修改延押日期,加强延押程序的控制以及完善延押的羁押必要性审查。
[Abstract]:Pretrial detentions, as a coercive measure, are mainly aimed at ensuring the smooth progress of criminal proceedings and should be applied prudently. However, in judicial practice, the delay in custody has reached 100%, which is not in line with the legislative purpose of extended detention. Although the pretrial detention system has been initially formed, due to the imperfect legislation of the pretrial detention system itself, there is a deviation in its application in practice, which poses a serious threat to the human rights of criminal suspects. Therefore, this article will be pretrial detentions as the topic. This paper probes into the problems existing in pretrial detentions and hopes to obtain effective suggestions and improve the pretrial detentions system. This article mainly uses the empirical analysis method and the system analysis method, through the data analysis practice existence question and the legislation existence question. This paper finds that the causes of many problems are not only unique to the detention system itself, but also caused by the disharmonious operation of the entire criminal detention system. Therefore, this paper concludes that in order to extend the period of pretrial detention, we must separate the concept of the term of custody from the term of handling a case through different procedural provisions. On this basis, it is clear that the conditions for prolonging the period of detention and the approving authority. Revise the detaining date, strengthen the control of the detaining procedure and examine the necessity of improving the detaining.


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