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发布时间:2018-05-08 16:58

  本文选题:刑事简易程序 + 简易程序案件集中审理模式 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012年《刑事诉讼法》对简易程序进行了大手笔修改,其将1996年刑诉法中的简易程序与该背景下的“普通程序简化审”这一实践融合为独特的统一性简易程序。针对1996年刑诉法框架下简易程序的缺陷,新刑诉法对简易程序的公正性予以了必要的修复,同时,为了保证诉讼效率不受过大的影响,也相应地扩大了简易程序的适用范围。然而,公诉人出庭、合议庭审判不可避免地大大增加了简易程序的办案成本,使得有限的现实司法资源雪上加霜,,因此,简易程序的诉讼成本亟需控制。此时,对简易程序案件实行批量化处理的集中审理模式就成为救急的普适性工作机制。 然而,通过对法院的实证调研发现,在具体的司法实践中,虽然通过集中化分配简易程序案件的诉讼资源这一方式,生长于司法实践的新型效率性工作机制——集中审理模式能有效地节省简易程序案件的办理成本,从而提高诉讼效率,但是它的实际运行效果却并不理想,不仅提升效率的效果没有达到预期,而且正当化的程序最终也在实践中被形式化。究其原因,主要在于以下几个方面:一是集中审理模式本身尚处于初步探索阶段,操作模式的多样化导致其具体适用上具有选择性,使得最有效率的集中审理模式有时无法在实践中得以适用,从而阻碍了效率的有效提高;二是从现实的原因来说,集中审理模式的顺利运行依赖于从侦查、审查起诉到审判整个诉讼阶段,而目前刑事案件的发案随机性、公安机关分散的侦查权以及破案的政策性,加上过高的羁押率和有限的司法警力,都一定程度上妨碍了简易程序案件集中的空间;三是集中审理模式在本质上只是简易程序的一种务实性工作机制,因此它完全依附于简易程序,故其功能的发挥在很大程度上依赖于简易程序,而目前我国简易程序存在一些不足,不仅类型单一致使分流功能不足,而且形式化的正当程序也只是徒增了诉讼的成本,这些都直接影响着集中审理模式的效率;四是由于受到案件审批制度以及绩效考核制度的影响,简易程序在实际运行时的程序耗费也明显增加,这同样也会对减损集中审理模式的效率。 要想集中审理模式能真正解决诉讼资源与诉讼需求之间的矛盾,我们必须对症下药,针对这些阻碍集中审理模式运行效率的原因提出合理可行的对策。因此,我们不仅需要完善集中审理机制本身,而且还要对相关的制度和机制进行改革。从集中审理模式本身而言,我们应该设置专门小组办理简易程序,以实现集中类型的相对统一化,减少集中审理本身对效率的损耗。另一方面,为有效实现集中审理模式的效率价值,应该从以下几方面对配套的制度和机制进行改革:首先,应该建立统一的侦查数据库,便于侦查和审查阶段对案件实行有效的集中;其次,应该构建多层次的简易程序体系,这不仅需要在不同的诉讼阶段构建不同的分流程序,也需要对现行的简易程序进行改革,以对简易程序案件进一步繁简分流,降低诉讼成本;再次,需要扩大非羁押性强制措施的适用,减少审前羁押率,从而减少法院司法警力物质不足对集中审理的制约;最后,应该构建科学合理的绩效考核制度,以在不妨碍集中审理模式运行效率的状况下真正实现绩效制度的功能。
[Abstract]:In view of the shortcomings of the simplified procedure under the framework of the Criminal Procedure Law of 1996 , the new criminal procedure has greatly increased the application scope of the summary procedure . However , in order to ensure that the litigation efficiency is not greatly influenced , the application scope of the simplified procedure is enlarged accordingly . However , the trial of the public prosecutor can inevitably increase the handling cost of the summary procedure , so that the litigation cost of the summary procedure is urgent need to be controlled . At this time , the centralized trial mode of the batch processing of the summary procedure case becomes the emergency general working mechanism .

However , through the empirical research of the court , in the concrete judicial practice , the new efficiency working mechanism _ centralized trial mode , which is based on the judicial practice , can effectively save the process cost of the simple procedure case , so as to improve the efficiency of the litigation .
Second , for the reasons of reality , the smooth operation of the centralized trial mode depends on the investigation , prosecution and trial of the whole lawsuit stage , and the present randomness of the criminal cases , the dispersed investigation right of the public security organ and the policy of the case , combined with the excessive detention rate and limited judicial police force , have hindered the space in the summary of the summary procedure case ;
Third , the centralized trial mode is only a practical working mechanism of simple procedure in nature , so it is completely attached to the simple procedure , so the function of its function depends to a great extent on the simple procedure , and the present invention is simple and easy to have some shortcomings , not only the single kind of single result in the insufficiency of the shunt function , but also the formal due process , which directly affects the efficiency of the centralized trial mode .
Fourth , due to the impact of the case examination and approval system and the performance appraisal system , the procedure of the summary procedure in the actual operation is also obviously increased , which will also affect the efficiency of the centralized trial mode .

In order to solve the contradiction between litigation resource and litigation demand , we must set up a reasonable and feasible countermeasure for the reasons that hinder the efficiency of trial mode operation . Therefore , we should set up special group to carry out the reform of centralized trial mode . In the end , we should reform the system and mechanism from the following aspects : first , we should establish a unified investigative database , which is convenient for investigation and review stage to carry out effective concentration on cases ;
Secondly , it is necessary to construct a multi - level and simplified procedure system , which not only needs to construct different diversion procedures at different stages of litigation , but also needs to reform the existing simplified procedure , so as to further complicate the simplified procedure case and reduce the litigation cost ;
Thirdly , it is necessary to expand the application of non - custodial coercive measures and reduce the pretrial detention rate , thus reducing the restriction of the lack of judicial police capacity of the court on the centralized trial ;
Finally , a scientific and reasonable performance appraisal system should be constructed to truly realize the function of the performance system without prejudice to the efficiency of the centralized trial mode .



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