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发布时间:2018-05-08 23:41

  本文选题:死因 + 死因裁判 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the judicial practice of our country, most cases involving the cause of death in the case of death will cause widespread public concern. From the "Huang Jing case", which took 41 months to undergo five autopsies, to the bizarre "hide and seek cat death", "drinking water death", "dreaming death" in custody, to the Lei Yang case, which has become the focus of public opinion because of the unknown cause of death. The conclusions drawn by the state authorities after investigation have aroused fierce debate and doubt in the society. Although the revised Criminal procedure Law of 2012 introduced an expert assistant system to resolve the dispute over the cause of death and strengthened the good design of the system, such as the appearance of experts in court, but if the public security organs come to the conclusion that the case is a normal death, If criminal proceedings are not initiated, these systems will have no room for application and their design will be of no value. The investigation organ occupies the absolute dominant position in the current coroner's investigation procedure in our country, making the coroner's investigation system become the subsidiary of the criminal procedure. At present, there is no independent and complete system of death investigation in our country. The legal provisions are relatively scattered, and the scope of the investigation is vague, the single investigation means and the closed investigation process. Together, it leads to logical paradox and structural imbalance, which makes the conclusion of death often questioned, and the judicial credibility is greatly compromised. Therefore, the existing cause of death investigation procedures in China need to be reformed. Through the analysis of the popular and representative death investigation system in various countries, we can see that the coroner system has the advantages of strong independence, fair procedure, high social participation and strong judicial credibility. However, the coroner's system is an increasingly perfect system under the background of Anglo-American legal system, which does not accord with the characteristics of our country's functions and powers, and the full introduction of the coroner's system can not play its due role in the investigation of the cause of death. Therefore, our country can draw lessons from the construction principle of the independent mode of the death judgment system and combine the characteristics of its own judicial system, establish the system of the death cause investigation system, perfect the investigation procedure, and make the conclusion of the cause of death investigation more credible. The first part of the article introduces the system of cause of death investigation through cases, introduces the current situation of death investigation procedure in China, reflects on the existing cause of death investigation procedure through defect analysis, and clarifies the necessity of establishing a system of death investigation system. The second part is to analyze the existing death investigation system in the perspective of comparative law, and further analyze the merits and demerits of the coroner system, forensic expert system and forensic research institute system. The third part is the construction of death investigation system in China. It includes the construction and the nature orientation of the coroner's investigation organ, the structure composition, the operation mode, the power restriction of the coroner's organ and the relief of the interested person, etc.


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