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发布时间:2018-05-09 20:20

  本文选题:电子证据 + 证据效力 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The 21 century is a new era, the development of the Internet is particularly prominent, people's production, life has also changed a great deal. Electronic evidence is also produced with the emergence of the network. In judicial practice, the attitude towards electronic evidence, a new thing, has changed from the initial rejection to the present acceptance. Now it is very common that electronic evidence is involved in civil cases, and there will be some obstacles and biases in the determination of the validity of civil electronic evidence in our courts. First of all, the concept of electronic evidence is defined in this paper, which is defined as materials and biologic materials which exist in electronic form and can be used as evidence in a broad sense, and the meanings of three aspects are summed up from the concept. After having a certain understanding of the concept, we can conclude the characteristics which are different from the traditional evidence, such as dependence, hi-tech, etc. Then combing the development of four kinds of theories of electronic evidence, paving the way for it to become independent evidence status, and making an objective orientation to it. Secondly, this paper reviews the relevant legal provisions of electronic evidence, introduces the relevant legislation of western developed countries and the relevant provisions of Chinese law on electronic evidence, so that it has a certain theoretical support. At the same time, starting from the case of judicial practice in our country, this paper first analyzes the current situation of this kind of cases in our country as a whole, and analyzes the related problems in the face of electronic evidence in our country. Thirdly, this paper will analyze the difficulties in the process of identifying the validity of electronic evidence from the legal practice, and conclude that the authenticity is difficult to guarantee, the difficulty of obtaining evidence, the traditional rules of proof do not adapt to the three major difficulties. Finally, this paper will give specific opinions on the three difficult points of the validity of civil electronic evidence, namely, to ensure its authenticity, to standardize the procedure of collecting evidence and to perfect the rules of proof. It is hoped that it will be helpful to solve the problems encountered in our country's legal practice.


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