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发布时间:2018-05-11 16:41

  本文选题:诉讼程序 + 法院组织 ; 参考:《现代法学》2017年02期

[Abstract]:The theory of court organization is deeply related to the principle of litigation. From the angle of connection between the Court Organization Law and the Civil procedure Law, the investigation of the hierarchical structure of the power of the president of the court in our country can provide theoretical support for deepening the reform of the judicial system in an all-round way. The civil law system generally recognizes that the president of the court has moderate administrative power and takes the exercise of the core affairs of the trial as the premise. As far as the reality of our country is concerned, the logical premise of reshaping the power of the president of the court is the scientific classification of judicial business and judicial administration affairs. The power of the president of the court shall be divided into judicial authority and judicial administrative authority. In the aspect of the exercise of the judicial power, the principle of the same power as the judge, the restriction of the president's procedural decision, the establishment of the general rules and the dynamic adjustment mechanism of the president's ad litem cases, and the modesty of the judicial administrative authority should be maintained. A list of the President's terms of reference in the administration of justice helps to prevent the crossing of powers.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;
【基金】:2016年度中国法学会重点委托项目“司法责任制重大问题研究”(CLS2016FLSS-ZDWT01) 2015年度西南政法大学研究生科研重点项目“司法改革背景下民事诉讼法与法院组织法的衔接研究”(XZYJS2015005)


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