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发布时间:2018-05-11 17:46

  本文选题:监狱企业 + 市场竞争力 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 2003, our country carried on the reform to the prison system, and now, after 14 years of reform, our country has basically completed the reform task of the prison system and system. As an inseparable and indispensable part of the prison system, the prison enterprise has played a variety of roles since its birth, carrying multiple mission objectives. As a special state-owned enterprise, on the one hand, it needs to reform the prisoners. To fulfill certain social responsibility, on the other hand, because of its inherent economic attribute, it is decided that it is necessary to pursue the economic benefits of the enterprise for the survival of the enterprise and the development of the enterprise. At present, there are still many problems to be solved, such as the incomplete reform of the prison system, the confusion of the multi-objective roles of the state-owned enterprises, and the management, quality and technology of the prison enterprises. There is still a lack of strong market competitiveness in the aspects of labor quality and so on. As an enterprise located in the central region of our country, the prison enterprises in H province are also facing these development problems. In recent years, in the process of development, compared with similar enterprises in other provinces, It does not enjoy the special preferential treatment of the government like the similar enterprises in the western region, nor does it have a mature management system and management model, and there is still a certain gap in the market competitiveness compared with other provinces. Based on this, this paper focuses on the development of prison enterprises in H province, based on the relevant concepts and theories, first of all, the general situation of the development and competitiveness of the prison enterprises in H province are deeply analyzed. Then it analyzes the market competition environment faced by the prison enterprises in H province, including the macro environment and the internal and external environment of the development of the prison enterprises in H province. This paper analyzes the defensive strategy that the prison enterprises of H province should adopt to enhance their market competitiveness. Finally, on the basis of the previous research, this paper puts forward the strategies to promote the market competitiveness of the prison enterprises in H province, that is, to optimize the industrial structure. Enhance the core competitiveness; change the business model, strengthen the marketing mix; strengthen internal management, enhance corporate culture; optimize the allocation of resources, improve production efficiency. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of this strategy, this paper puts forward some safeguard measures from the aspects of perfecting the relevant rules and regulations of prison enterprises, training economic management talents of prison enterprises and establishing the examination and incentive mechanism of staff.


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