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发布时间:2018-05-14 22:11

  本文选题:民事执行 + 网络拍卖 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:民事执行措施中网络拍卖是在民事执行程序中,人民法院对已被查封、扣押、冻结的被执行人财产,在被执行人逾期不履行义务时,通过第三方网络平台、利用网络技术自行实施拍卖进行变价,并将所得价款用于清偿债务的强制处分措施。其本质是以维护债权得以实现为直接目的的、公法上的强制处分行为。它既不同于普通的网络拍卖,也与民事执行措施中的委托拍卖有显著区别。这种拍卖实施的必要性表现在两个方面,一是以委托拍卖为主要形式的民事执行措施中拍卖因存在腐败程度高、债权人受偿率低、拍卖效率低以及拍卖中法律关系混乱等弊端亟需改革,二是选择网络拍卖方式改革具有增强债务人偿债能力、提高拍卖效率以及减少人为操作空间等优势。其可行性则体现在四个方面,一是现行的民诉法提供了法律支持,二是网络的高速发展提供了技术支持,三是司法实务的尝试提供了经验支持,四是司法为民的提倡提供了舆论支持。 以2013年8月份在淘宝网司法拍卖平台上进行的民事执行措施中网络拍卖为对象进行调研,显示在拍卖效果、拍卖效率和拍卖的公正性上都具有不可否认的优势。但亦存在标的物范围不清、主体间关系不明、拍卖的法律效果模糊以及程序性规则缺乏等问题。完善民事执行措施中网络拍卖,应该从构建实体性与程序性规则这两方面着手。在实体性规则方面:明确拍卖的适用范围,划清拍卖中各主体间的关系,确认拍卖的法律效果,明确买受人既无物的瑕疵担保请求权,也无权利瑕疵担保请求权。在程序性规则方面:第一,构建网络异常应对规则,包括网络异常申报规则与网络异常处理规则;第二,建立网络拍卖监管规则,包括防止拍卖核心信息知情人员竞拍规则、实地看样规则与对保证金的监管规则;第三,,完善拍卖信息公示制度,包括非首次拍卖的变价阶段信息的公示和撤回拍卖、停止拍卖信息的公示。
[Abstract]:In the civil execution measures, the online auction is in the civil execution procedure, where the people's court uses a third-party network platform to seize, seize or freeze the property of the person subjected to execution, if the person concerned fails to perform its obligations within the time limit, Use the network technology to carry out auction to change the price, and use the price to pay off the debt. Its essence is to maintain the realization of creditor's rights as a direct purpose, public law enforcement action. It is not only different from the ordinary network auction, but also different from the trust auction in civil execution measures. The necessity of implementing this kind of auction is manifested in two aspects. One is that among the civil execution measures in which the principal form is entrusted auction, the auction has a high degree of corruption and a low rate of repayment of creditors. The disadvantages of low auction efficiency and chaotic legal relationship in auction are in urgent need of reform. Second, the network auction reform has the advantages of enhancing debtor's ability to repay debt, improving auction efficiency and reducing artificial operation space. Its feasibility is reflected in four aspects: first, the current civil litigation law provides legal support; second, the rapid development of the network provides technical support; third, the trial of judicial practice provides experience support. Fourth, the judiciary provides public opinion support for the advocacy of the people. The research on the online auction in the civil execution measures carried out on Taobao judicial auction platform in August 2013 shows that there are undeniable advantages in auction effect, auction efficiency and auction fairness. However, there are still some problems, such as unclear scope of subject matter, unclear relationship between subjects, vague legal effect of auction and lack of procedural rules. To perfect the network auction in civil execution measures, we should start with the construction of substantive and procedural rules. In terms of substantive rules, the scope of application of the auction is clear, the relationship between the subjects in the auction is clearly defined, the legal effect of the auction is confirmed, and the buyer's right to claim for the guarantee of defects and the claim for the guarantee of the defect of the right is clear. In the procedural rules: first, the construction of network anomaly response rules, including network anomaly declaration rules and network anomaly handling rules; second, the establishment of network auction supervision rules, including the prevention of auction core information insider bidding rules, Third, improve the auction information publicity system, including the non-first auction information of the change stage and withdraw the auction, stop the auction information publicity.


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