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发布时间:2018-05-16 19:32

  本文选题:检察官 + 出庭 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:公诉是检察院的基本职能之一,而出庭则是实现这种职能的最直接方式,因此无论是在刑事普通程序中,还是在刑事简易程序中,检察官都应出庭支持公诉。自2012年《刑事诉讼法》实施以来,基层检察院在派员出庭简易程序的基础上,不断探索出庭模式,取得了较好的效果。但实践中仍然存在一些问题,为了既公正又效率的完成检察官出庭简易程序的公诉任务,仍需对此项内容作进一步完善。 除引言外,正文分为四部分,共三万三千余字。 第一部分,检察官出庭简易程序的流变与意义。首先,在立法上,我国刑事诉讼法经过两次修改,对于检察官出庭简易程序的内容作了较大的调整,实现了简易程序从无到有的突破,确立了检察官从可以不出庭到必须出庭的模式。其次,在司法实践中,过去对于简单、轻微的刑事案件,检察院往往不派员出席法庭,而修法后,各地基层检察院积极落实法律规定,并结合本院实际探索出了一些检察官出庭刑事简易程序的模式。最后,检察院出庭简易程序有着十分重要的意义,体现在它符合程序正义的要求,是检察官履行职责的需要,有利于保障诉讼参与人的合法权益并有利于实现普法教育功能。 第二部分,检察官出庭简易程序的步骤环节与比较。首先,虽然我国简易程序的简化主要体现在审判阶段,但是简易程序能否真正实现公正与效率的结合,离不开检察官职能的发挥。一般而言,一个案件能否适用简易程序审判,绝大多数在审查起诉阶段就基本上确定了。因此,检察官出庭简易程序的步骤环节应当包括庭前的准备阶段、庭审阶段和庭后的监督阶段。其次,检察官出庭简易程序与检察官出庭普通程序虽然在程序和内容上有相同之处,但在审批程序、适用对象、适用级别等方面有很大不同。最后,与域外检察官出庭简易程序的相比,虽然中外简易程序都重视检察官的直接参与,都注重审检认定的一致性,但中外检察官对简易程序的选择权和检察官在简易程序中的地位存在较大差异。因此面对实践中出现的问题,应主要从我国的实践出发寻找解决措施,而不是简单的借鉴域外经验。 第三部分,检察官出庭简易程序存在的问题。从实务上来看,检察院派员出席法庭支持公诉已经不再是个问题,但是在检察官出庭简易程序的过程中,仍存在检察官出庭简易程序模式混乱、履行告知义务不细致、出庭形式化以及办理简易程序案件不简易等现象。 第四部分,完善我国检察官出庭简易程序案件的建议。为了有效弥补实践中检察官出庭简易程序的不足,促进检察院公诉工作的健康发展,除了从人力、物力、财力等方面给予充分保障外,,针对检察官出庭简易程序存在的问题,提出解决措施。首先,通过创新案件的处理方式和推广先进的出庭方式促进出庭模式的完善。其次,检察官切实履行庭前告知义务。再次,检察官应正确认识简易程序的作用,并通过改进量刑建议权和改进公诉教育职能,切实避免出庭形式化。最后,通过简化诉讼文书和部分程序提高检察官办案速度。
[Abstract]:Public prosecution is one of the basic functions of the procuratorate, and appearing in court is the most direct way to realize this function. Therefore, the prosecutor should appear in court to support public prosecution in both criminal procedure and criminal summary procedure. Since the implementation of the criminal procedure law in 2012, the grass-roots procuratorate has been on the basis of the summary procedure of police officers appearing in court. There are still some problems in practice, but there are still some problems in practice. In order to complete the prosecution task of the prosecutor's summary procedure, it still needs to be further improved.
Besides the introduction, the text is divided into four parts, with a total of 33000 words.
The first part is the rheology and significance of the summary procedure of the prosecutor appearing in court. First, in legislation, the criminal procedure law of our country has made a great adjustment to the contents of the summary procedure of the prosecutor's appearance in court after two revisions, which has realized the breakthrough of the summary procedure and established the mode of the prosecutor from not appearing in court to the court. Secondly, In the judicial practice, in the past, the procuratorate often did not send members to the court for simple and minor criminal cases. After the law, the grass-roots procuratorates all over the country have actively implemented the legal provisions, and explored the pattern of the criminal summary procedure of the prosecutors in court. Finally, the summary procedure of the Procuratorate's appearance in court has a very important significance. It is reflected in the requirements of procedural justice, the need for prosecutors to perform their duties, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the participants in the litigation and to realize the function of the universal legal education.
The second part is the step link and comparison of the summary procedure of the prosecutor in court. First, although the simplification of the summary procedure in China is mainly reflected in the trial stage, whether the summary procedure can truly realize the combination of justice and efficiency can not be separated from the function of the prosecutor. In general, a case can be applied to the trial of summary procedure, the vast majority of them are in the case. The stage of the examination and prosecution is basically determined. Therefore, the steps of the prosecutor's summary procedure should include the preparatory stage before the court, the trial stage and the supervision stage after the court. Secondly, the general procedure of the prosecutor's summary procedure and the general procedure of the prosecutor appearing in court will have the same in the procedure and content, but in the examination and approval procedure, the applicable object, There are great differences in the application level and other aspects. Finally, compared with the summary procedure of the extraterritorial public prosecutors, although both Chinese and foreign simple procedures attach importance to the direct participation of the prosecutor, they all pay attention to the consistency of the examination and identification, but there is a great difference between the Chinese and foreign prosecutors' choice of the summary procedure and the status of the prosecutor in the simple procedure. Problems in practice should be solved mainly from the practice of our country, rather than simply drawing on extraterritorial experience.
The third part is the problem of the summary procedure of the prosecutor appearing in court. In practice, it is no longer a problem for the procurator to attend the court to support the public prosecution. But in the process of the summary procedure of the prosecutor's appearance, there is still a confusion of the simple procedure mode of the prosecutor's appearance in court, the fulfillment of the informing obligation, the formalization of the appearance of the court and the simple handling of the procedure. Procedural cases are not simple and so on.
The fourth part is to improve the proposal of the case of the summary procedure of the prosecutor in our country. In order to make up for the shortage of the summary procedure of the prosecutor in practice and promote the healthy development of the procuratorate public prosecution work, in addition to the full guarantee of the human, material and financial resources, this paper puts forward the solutions to the problems existing in the summary procedure of the prosecutor appearing in court. First, through the treatment of innovative cases and the promotion of the advanced appearance of the court to promote the perfection of the appearance of the appearance of the court. Secondly, the prosecutor conscientiously fulfil the pre Court Notification Obligation. Again, the prosecutor should correctly understand the role of the summary procedure, and by improving the right of sentencing proposal and the improvement of the public prosecution education function, the formalization of the court should be avoided. Finally, the public prosecutor will avoid the formalization of the court. Simplifying litigation documents and partial procedures to improve the speed of handling cases by prosecutors.


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