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发布时间:2018-05-17 13:12

  本文选题:指导性案例 + 法律适用 ; 参考:《中国法学》2017年06期

[Abstract]:Case guidance system is an innovative legal system for the development of the rule of law in China. Empirical studies have found that the adoption and application of guiding cases are significantly correlated with the types of cases, the subject of the cases, the main body of the instructive cases, the representation of lawyers, the ways of providing instructive cases, the trial procedure and the level of the courts, etc. However, there is no correlation with the year of making the judgment. It can be seen from the judicial application that the guiding cases are not only lack of necessary procedural protection, but also lack of effective legal methods. From the point of view of the effect of operation, the case guidance system has not solved the deep gap between the system design and the legal idea, the system operation and the applicable method. The empirical study and legal reflection show that the design of any system requires not only the procedural arrangements for the operation of the system, but also the training of skilled legal methods, but also the need for mature ideas to precipitate. Only then can the goal and value of system innovation be realized. From the point of view of future development, to enhance the effectiveness of guiding cases, we should start from the aspects of procedure, method and concept, and realize the localization and localization of the case guidance system.
【作者单位】: 中南大学法学院;


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