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发布时间:2018-05-18 19:33

  本文选题:司法不变更原则 + 意思自治 ; 参考:《学习论坛》2017年04期

[Abstract]:Although scholars of substantive law have long noticed that the social conditions for applying the principle of autonomy of will are not fully available, many scholars of civil litigation are still immersed in the dream of disposition right doctrine. And accordingly advocates in the mediation agreement judicial review link to adopt the judicial not to change the principle. Under the condition that the parties lack the foundation of equal negotiation, it is particularly important to strengthen the special protection of the social vulnerable groups and the maintenance of the basic legal value. In the context of multiple levels of mediation outside of litigation and arbitrary and confidential procedures, the parties or outsiders who bear the burden of proving the existence of defects in the mediation agreement are not sufficient to approach the evidence. The commonweal nature of the invalid mediation agreement and the non-litigation nature of the judicial confirmation procedure of the mediation agreement jointly lay the legitimacy foundation of the court's doctrine of authority. Even in the procedure of judicial review of private mediation agreement, the parties still have to use the right to apply for court investigation to obtain evidence to overcome their difficulties of proof.
【作者单位】: 六盘水师范学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目“迈向制度理性的民事程序研究”(14CFX028) 六盘水师范学院科研计划资助项目(LPSSY201309)的阶段性成果


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