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发布时间:2018-05-21 04:03

  本文选题:刑事和解 + 恢复性司法 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:如今,在现代社会中,“和谐”早已成为我国的主流思想,这一思想在处理人与人之间,人与社会之间的关系都起到了良好的作用。尤其是在司法实践中,更是成了为广大法律人所追求的价值。在传统的中国法律文化当中,刑事法律依然带有浓厚的复仇色彩,虽然在打击和惩治犯罪中起到了一定的作用,但是它依然存在着某些无法避免的问题。为了追求和谐理念,为了使人与人之问,人与社会之间求同存异、共同发展,为了使犯罪嫌疑人、被告人真诚悔罪复归社会,重新得到社会的认可和自我的认可,在宽严相济的刑事政策下,刑事和解便应运而生。这对于提高司法效率、节约司法成本起到了重大作用,在刑事司法中具有重大的意义。 本文共分四章。第一章主要阐述了刑事和解制度的一些基本问题,包括刑事和解的概念、制度、特征,作用。第二章分析了刑事和解制度的理论基础,包括域外理论基础和国内的法律文化基础以及司法实践和刑事政策的指导。第三章着重分析了我国在刑事和解制度中存在的立法缺陷和司法缺陷。第四章主要是针对刑事和解制度进行构想建设,建立犯罪嫌疑人、被告人自主悔过机制、刑事和解主持者多元模式、建立完善的被害人国家补偿基金制度。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, in modern society, "harmony" has already become the mainstream thought of our country, this thought has played a good role in dealing with the relationship between people and society. Especially in the judicial practice, it has become the value pursued by the vast number of legal people. In the traditional Chinese legal culture, criminal law still has a strong color of revenge, although it has played a certain role in the fight against and punishment of crime, it still has some unavoidable problems. In order to pursue the idea of harmony, to make people ask questions, to seek common ground while reserving differences between people and society, to develop together, to make suspects and defendants sincerely repent and return to society, and to get the recognition of society and self-recognition again. Under the criminal policy of combining leniency and severe punishment, criminal reconciliation came into being. It plays an important role in improving judicial efficiency and saving judicial cost, and has great significance in criminal justice. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly expounds some basic problems of the criminal reconciliation system, including the concept, system, characteristics and function of the criminal reconciliation system. The second chapter analyzes the theoretical basis of the criminal reconciliation system, including the extraterritorial theoretical basis and the domestic legal and cultural basis, as well as judicial practice and the guidance of criminal policy. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the legislative and judicial defects in the system of criminal reconciliation. The fourth chapter is to construct the criminal reconciliation system, to establish the criminal suspect, the accused independent repentance mechanism, the criminal reconciliation moderator multi-mode, to establish a perfect national compensation fund system for victims.


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