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发布时间:2018-05-24 01:02

  本文选题:行政复议 + 复议机关 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The newly revised Administrative Litigation Law has changed the provisions of the original Law on the question of the reconsideration organ as a defendant, providing that if the reconsideration organ makes a maintenance decision after reconsideration, the applicant for reconsideration refuses to file a lawsuit, The administrative reconsideration organ and the former administrative organ shall be joint defendants. The purpose of this regulation is to change the general practice of judicial practice in which reconsideration organs generally adopt maintenance decisions as a way to avoid the common phenomenon of defendants. In order to encourage the reconsideration organs to carry out the reconsideration function actively, the law reviewers set up a kind of co-defendant system which is different from the traditional litigation theory and does not belong to the same or similar administrative acts. Now that the new law has been implemented for nearly two years, it is necessary to evaluate the co-defendant system and properly handle the connection between administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation. By criticizing the theory of co-defendant system and summarizing the new problems in practice, this paper finds that the causality between the defendant rule and the maintenance rate of reconsideration is exaggerated. And the incentive effect of the system did not reach expectations. At present, the Administrative Review Law has been amended. In order to better coordinate the relationship between the administrative reconsideration and the administrative litigation system, this paper holds that the following aspects should be taken: first, to correctly treat the review organ as the co-defendant system, The second is to improve the maintenance rate of reconsideration on the high side, and the third is to promote the Administrative Review Committee.


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