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发布时间:2018-05-24 01:22

  本文选题:自主性辩护权 + 律师辩护权 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the cornerstone of fairness and justice, the right of independent defense plays an important role in protecting the litigant's rights and interests. However, at present, there is a conflict between the right of the accused to exercise the right of independent defense and the independent exercise of the right of counsel, and the right of independent defense is in a virtual state. Lack of external protection of the right to independent defense, and so on. There are many reasons for the dilemma of the right of independent defense of the accused person in our country, including the judicial atmosphere of the accused person's "objectification tendency", the lack of the content of the right of independent defense, and the function of the defense lawyer is also blocked. The accused person's own condition is insufficient and the contradiction between the right of knowledge and the reliability of verbal evidence exists. In view of the principle of "respecting and protecting human rights" in our country, to guarantee the subject status of the accused "defender", to realize procedural justice, to enhance the acceptability of the referee and to find the truth of the case, It has certain legitimacy and necessity to guarantee the right of independent defense. However, there still exist some negative effects on the effective exercise of the right of independent defense of the accused person, such as inducing the accused person to carry out the behavior of obstructing the lawsuit, increasing the judicial burden, and possibly harming his own interests by improper exercise of the right of independent defense. Therefore, our country should guarantee the right of independent defense from the following aspects. Firstly, to protect the litigant's subjective status; secondly, to establish the limited right of knowing, including the right of active meeting, the limited right to read papers, the right to investigate and collect evidence, and so on, to protect the validity of the defense. Third, to avoid the exercise of the right of independent defense to hinder the reliability of the confession; finally, to coordinate the relationship between the right of the accused and the right of counsel to defend. Make clear the mutual independence of the lawyer and the accused person's right of defense, establish the consultation and withdrawal mechanism between the accused and the defense lawyer.


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