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发布时间:2018-05-24 20:19

  本文选题:法律父爱主义 + 精神病强制医疗 ; 参考:《政法论丛》2016年02期

[Abstract]:Legal fatherhood is the government's "compulsory love" to individuals, and its implementation is based on the lack of the ability of individuals to obtain or process information, and personal decisions are not necessarily the result of their true will. As a "strict father", the state has intervened to achieve the purpose of promoting the interests or welfare of the perpetrator, which is evident in compulsory psychiatric care. However, the legal patriarchal doctrine of compulsory psychiatric care also has two sides, and it also has the danger of seriously affecting the freedom of mental patients. Therefore, the compulsory medical treatment of mental illness under the background of legal paternity should have certain boundaries. That is, compulsory psychiatric care should be able to promote the interests of the compulsory medical care and reflect the protection of the human dignity of mental patients. Under this premise, the operation of compulsory psychiatric medical procedure must also conform to the principle of judicial control and the principle of proportionality, which is the concrete manifestation of the legal patriarchal doctrine in the compulsory medical procedure of mental illness.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学刑事司法学院;


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