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发布时间:2018-05-27 11:11

  本文选题:流动人口 + 取保候审 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:大规模的人口流动是我国社会经济发展中出现的客观现象,也是市场经济条件下劳动力资源市场配置的必然结果,这一现象的出现与我国僵化的户籍制度存在密切关联。被标签化为“流动人口”的社会群体由于各种原因,犯罪率相对较高,如何对流动人口群体适用刑事强制措施,实现刑事诉讼程序保证和犯罪嫌疑人、被告人权利保护的平衡,是刑事诉讼法律实施过程中难以回避的问题。以取保候审为例,流动人口涉罪人员适用取保候审的比例较低,这一现象的成因较为复杂,表面原因是流动人口涉罪人员无法提供足够的保证金或提出合格的能够履行保证义务的保证人,但根本原因是我国《刑事诉讼法》还没有确立起“保释是常态,羁押是例外”的原则,羁押性强制措施适用比例偏高,取保候审在内的非羁押性强制措施没有得到足够的重视。 通过实证研究、规范研究、比较研究等法学分析方法,本文分析了流动人口取保候审实践中存在的问题,分析其成因,并反思了现行的取保候审制度,提出了相关完善意见。正文可以分为四个部分,每一部分的内容如下:第一部分是前言,前言部分主要交代了研究背景、研究的主要对象与内容、研究的主旨等,这是全文研究工作的起点;第二部分是W市流动人口取保候审的实证调研成果。本部分主要通过实证研究的方法分析了整个W市在流动人口取保候审实践中的概况、实施机制以及所采用的创新办法,通过对W市流动人口取保候审实践现状来看,W市作为东部经济发达城市,面临较为严峻的外来人口犯罪形势,流动人口适用取保候审的比例偏低,尽管该市采取了一些创新机制以促进取保候审制度的实施,但是无法从根本上解决取保候审制度实施中的难题;第三部分是W市流动人口适用取保候审存在的问题。本部分主要从现行法律制度出发,从规范分析和比较分析的角度探讨了我国当前流动人口取保候审适用率偏低的成因,并将其归结为理念层面和规范层面两个方面的原因,认为司法机关注重羁押性强制措施,忽视非羁押性强制措施,以及现有的取保候审制度本身对流动人口的某些不适用性导致了流动人口适用取保候审偏低的现象;第四部分是我国流动人口取保候审实施机制的完善。本部分主要首先分析了流动人口犯罪案件中适用取保候审应秉持的基本理念,即应以人权保障为理念指导,以消除取保候审适用障碍为基本目标。在具体的措施上,则可以进一步分为两个层面:第一,现有制度的实施层面,应细化取保候审制度的适用规则,严禁司法机关提出超越现行法律规定的过高要求;第二,在现有制度的改革层面,建议立法明确非羁押性强制措施优先适用的原则,并在取保候审的适用范围上实现立法范式转换,,从规定取保候审的正面适用范围转变为规定取保候审的反面适用范围,从而实现取保候审适用范围的拓展,以从根本上解决流动人口涉罪人员适用取保候审难题。
[Abstract]:The large-scale population flow is an objective phenomenon in the social and economic development of our country. It is also the inevitable result of the market allocation of labor resources under the market economy. The emergence of this phenomenon is closely related to the rigid household registration system in China. The social groups labeled "floating population" are relative to the crime rate for a variety of reasons. Higher, how to apply criminal coercive measures to the floating population, realize the guarantee of criminal procedure and the balance of the protection of the right of the accused and the defendant is an unavoidable problem in the implementation of the criminal procedure law. Taking the bail pending trial as an example, the proportion of the floating population involved in the bail pending trial is lower, the cause of the phenomenon More complicated, the reason is that the floating population is unable to provide sufficient margin or to put forward a qualified guarantor to fulfill the obligation, but the fundamental reason is that the principle of "the law of criminal procedure" has not established the principle of "bail is normal and the detention is an exception", and the proportion of the coercive measures in custody is high, and the bail pending trial is in the pending trial. The non custodial mandatory measures have not received enough attention.
Through empirical research, normative research, comparative study and other legal analysis methods, this paper analyzes the existing problems in the practice of floating population bail pending trial, analyzes its causes, and rethinks the current system of bail pending trial, and puts forward some relevant suggestions. The text can be divided into four parts, each part is as follows: the first part is preface, The preface mainly explains the research background, the main object and content of the research, the main purpose of the research, this is the starting point of the full text research work; the second part is the empirical research results of the W City floating population bail pending trial. This part mainly analyzes the general situation of the whole W city in the practice of the floating population bail pending trial through the empirical research method. The implementation mechanism and the innovative methods adopted, through the current situation of the bail pending trial practice of the floating population in W City, W City, as an economically developed city in the East, faces a more severe foreign population crime situation, and the proportion of the floating population to the bail pending trial is low. Although the city has adopted some innovative mechanisms to promote the system of bail pending trial, the city has taken some new mechanisms to promote the system of bail pending trial. But it can not solve the difficult problems in the implementation of the system of bail pending trial; the third part is the existing problems in the application of the bail pending trial of the floating population in the city of W. This part is mainly from the current legal system, and discusses the causes of the low application rate of the current mobile people's bail pending trial from the perspective of the normative analysis and comparative analysis. It is attributed to two aspects of the concept level and the standard level. It is considered that the judicial organs pay attention to the coercive measures of custody, ignore the non custodial coercive measures, and the existing inapplicability of the existing bail pending trial system itself to the floating population leads to the low application of the bail pending trial for the floating population; the fourth part is the floating people of our country. This part mainly analyzes the basic idea that the application of the bail pending trial in the floating population crime cases should be guided by the concept of human rights protection as the guiding principle and the basic goal of eliminating the barriers to application of the bail pending trial. In the concrete measures, it can be further divided into two levels: first, the existing The implementation level of the system should refine the applicable rules of the bail pending trial system and strictly prohibit the judicial organs to put forward the high requirements beyond the current legal provisions; second, in the reform level of the existing system, the principle of giving priority to the application of non custodial coercive measures is suggested, and the transformation of the legislative paradigm is realized in the scope of the application of the bail pending trial and the transformation of the legislative paradigm from the scope of the application of the bail pending trial. The scope of the positive application of the provision of bail pending trial is changed into the scope of the reverse application of the prescribed bail pending trial, so as to realize the extension of the scope of the application of the bail pending trial so as to solve the problem of the bail pending trial for the persons involved in the crime of the floating population.


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