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发布时间:2018-05-28 05:46

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 检察建议 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The normal operation of the society under the rule of law requires the normal play of the functions of various supervisory systems. It is an important way for the people's procuratorate to carry out legal supervision of civil litigation activities by putting forward civil procuratorial proposals. In 2012, the form of civil procuratorial supervision with the characteristics of procedural law was formally written into the Civil procedure Law, reflecting the new trend of civil legal supervision. In the field of legislation, the civil procuratorial suggestion system in China started late. In recent years, the development of civil procuratorial suggestions has made great progress in the field of theoretical research and judicial practice. Civil procuratorial suggestions are widely adopted with the characteristics of wide application, simple and flexible, targeted case supervision, strong acceptability of peer suggestions, and so on, which become an important means for procuratorial organs to perform their duties of civil procuratorial supervision. Compared with civil protest, the judicial cost of civil procuratorial suggestion is lower, and the supervision means are various, especially the soft characteristic of "suggestion" is one of its bright spots. However, it should be noted that there are a large number of rough points in the provisions of the Civil procedure Law on procuratorial recommendations, which have caused trouble and hindrance to the application of judicial practice. Through investigation and research, this paper finds out the general situation of the application of civil procuratorial suggestions in China in the last 10 years, and looks up the relevant data of civil procuratorial suggestions in several places in recent years. Through the investigation and analysis of the above materials, the problems existing in the civil procuratorial suggestions in judicial practice are found and the solutions are explored.


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