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发布时间:2018-05-28 12:56

  本文选题:公共服务 + 政府公共服务外包 ; 参考:《延边大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:政府公共服务外包已经成为西方国家政府改革的重要途径,自十九世纪末二十世纪初以来,世界上大多数国家都从有序行政转化为服务行政,政府职能迅速扩大造成政府除了需要负担传统职能,还需要为公众提供大量的公共服务项目。自20世纪70年代以来,政府公共服务在全球范围内加速发展,政府公共服务外包作为政府提供服务的一种新的途径方式被西方国家广泛采纳,政府所担负的角色在整个过程中被公共服务重新定位。而在我国政府公共服务外包推行时间较晚,“政府公共服务外包”一词还属于新鲜词汇。20世纪90年代,我国处于计划经济时代时,政府几乎“掌管”所有的事项,无处不在、无所不能,呈现出行政干预的特征。然而,改革开放之后,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建设,政府的职能也在发生变化。政府迫切需要一种新的治理方式,改变政府在处理公共服务项目时,效率低下、人员不足、社会矛盾激化等现状,这使得政府公共服务外包迅速兴起并开始加速发展。 本文介绍了我国政府公共服务外包制度,并说明了政府公共服务外包相关的概念,分析了中国政府公共服务外包法律理论基础及实践的时代意义,概括性的介绍了英国、美国、德国等主要发达国家公共服务外包的实践经验,阐述了政府公共服务外包的现状和存在的问题,总结了西方国家公共服务的实践经验带给我国政府服务外包极其重要的借鉴,作者提出了自己的想法,完善我国政府公共服务外包的具体措施和法律规制。作者认为,政府公共服务外包必须立足于国情,与社会主义市场经济体制的改革是一致的。为了解决政府集中统治一元化的方式,明晰政府在公共服务外包中的定位,我们应该完善法律法规体系和制度建设,强化政府外包合同和监管责任,提高政府公共服务的效率、降低成本,并根据社会的发展与经济状况以确保文章的合理性与可行性。 本文共分七章,第一章主要论述背景框架、研究主题、理论结构;第二章阐释了与政府公共服务外包相关基本概念;第三章系总结了几十年来政府公共服务外包在我国的实践以及政府公共服务外包的时代价值;第四章指出了政府公共服务外包的潜在风险,界定不明确、政府公共服务法律规范缺失、政府公共服务行政合同的欠缺、政府公共服务外包管理与监督存在缺陷;第五章总结了西方国家公共服务外包研究取得的经验,我国政府公共服务外包参考其成功经验;第六章提出了改进政府公共服务外包的具体措施;第七章为结论,总结了全文的研究结论,并提出了在研究中出现的不足之处。
[Abstract]:Government public service outsourcing has become an important way of government reform in western countries. Since the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, most countries in the world have changed from orderly administration to service administration. The rapid expansion of government functions results in the need for the government to provide a large number of public services in addition to its traditional functions. Since the 1970s, the government public service has been developing rapidly in the global scope. As a new way for the government to provide services, the outsourcing of government public service has been widely adopted by the western countries. The role of government was redefined by public services throughout the process. But in our country government public service outsourcing was carried out late, the term "government public service outsourcing" is still a new word. In the 1990s, when our country was in the planned economy era, the government was almost "in charge" of all matters, everywhere. Omnipotent, showing the characteristics of administrative intervention. However, after reform and opening up, with the construction of socialist market economy system, the functions of government are also changing. The government urgently needs a new way of governance to change the current situation of the government in dealing with public service projects, such as inefficiency, shortage of personnel, intensification of social contradictions, and so on, which makes the government public service outsourcing rise rapidly and begin to accelerate the development. This paper introduces the system of government public service outsourcing in our country, explains the concept of government public service outsourcing, analyzes the theoretical basis and practical significance of Chinese government public service outsourcing, and gives a general introduction to the United Kingdom, the United States, and the United States of America. The practical experience of public service outsourcing in Germany and other major developed countries, this paper expounds the present situation and existing problems of government public service outsourcing, and sums up the experience of public service outsourcing in western countries, which brings to our country the extremely important reference of government service outsourcing. The author puts forward his own idea, consummates our government public service outsourcing concrete measure and the legal regulation. The author thinks that government public service outsourcing must be based on the national conditions and be consistent with the reform of socialist market economy system. In order to solve the problem of centralization and centralization of government and clarify the position of government in public service outsourcing, we should perfect the system of laws and regulations, strengthen the contract and responsibility of government outsourcing, and improve the efficiency of government public service. Reduce costs and ensure the reasonableness and feasibility of the article according to social development and economic situation. This paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter mainly discusses the background framework, the research theme, the theoretical structure, the second chapter explains the basic concepts related to the government public service outsourcing. The third chapter summarizes the practice of government public service outsourcing in China and the value of government public service outsourcing in the past decades, the fourth chapter points out the potential risks of government public service outsourcing, and the definition is not clear. The lack of legal norms of government public service, the lack of government public service administrative contract, the defects of government public service outsourcing management and supervision. Chapter five summarizes the western countries' experience in the study of public service outsourcing. The sixth chapter puts forward the concrete measures to improve the government public service outsourcing, the seventh chapter is the conclusion, summarizes the research conclusions, and puts forward the deficiencies in the research.


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