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发布时间:2018-05-29 23:18

  本文选题:契约精神 + 认罪认罚 ; 参考:《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年02期

[Abstract]:There are two problems to be solved to realize the legitimacy of the lenient system of guilty admission and punishment in 2016: first, how to properly implement the criminal policy of "combining leniency with severity" in the substantive aspect? Second, how to ensure the legitimacy of the proceedings, especially how to ensure the legitimate rights of the accused? This requires the following efforts: at the substantive level, the introduction and extension of the concept of "atonement" and its legal mechanism in criminal law not only eliminates the conflict between leniency and the principle of adaptation to crime, but also takes the bottom line of leniency. To ensure the legality of the system, the procedural aspect, to guarantee the equal ability of dialogue between the subjects of the proceedings, and to ensure the voluntary nature of the prosecution in the admission of guilt and punishment.
【作者单位】: 中国人民公安大学法学院;


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2 詹建红;;论契约精神在刑事诉讼中的引入[J];中外法学;2010年06期

3 宋志军;;刑事证明模式的契约取向[J];中国刑事法杂志;2010年11期

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2 记者 顾晓红;执行不到位 法立不起来[N];联合时报;2012年




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