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发布时间:2018-05-30 00:22

  本文选题:财产保全 + 担保 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:财产保全担保制度,是在财产保全程序中,由当事人提供一定的信用或财产,经人民法院认可后作为担保,来保障当事人的民事请求权或因财产保全不当而产生的对方当事人的索赔权能够实现的一种制度。随着我国经济的高速发展和民事纠纷的逐日增多,财产保全担保制度作为民事诉讼中一项重要的保障制度,在现代司法实践中发挥着日益重要的作用。然而我国现行民事诉讼法以及有关司法解释对该制度的规定仍停留在简单而零星的状态,立法的缺失也导致了审判实践中的乱象丛生。为使财产保全中担保制度的功能得到真正发挥,本文围绕一条主线,即担保的设置、审查、数额、方式以及被申请人提供担保的效力问题等对我国民事诉讼中的财产保全担保制度展开探讨,以求对民事诉讼的顺利进展和当事人合法权益的实现能有帮助。 本文的整体结构和主要内容如下: 第一部分阐述财产保全担保制度的基本理论以作为全文的铺垫。要了解财产保全担保,首先就要了解财产保全是什么,进而得出财产保全担保含义为何,然后进一步比较财产保全担保与其他相关概念的区别。 第二部分介绍大陆法系和英美法系国家和地区关于财产保全担保制度的立法规定。分别梳理了德国、日本、我国台湾地区以及美国对财产保全担保的设置、审查、数额、方式、被申请人提供担保的效力等问题是如何规定和运用的,并提炼我们国家的相关制度规定可以学习和借鉴的地方。 第三部分从立法和实务两大板块剖析我国财产保全担保制度的现状并反思其不足之处。在立法层面,我国民事诉讼法对该制度的设置过分注重担保,对财产保全担保的审查缺乏具体标准,对担保方式的规定几乎没有,能否直接适用民事实体法也存在诸多疑问,相关司法解释对担保数额的规定在实践中执行起来困难重重,被申请人提供担保是否一定能够解除财产保全似乎也有待商榷。在实践层面,有些地方法院对我国现行的民事诉讼法和相关司法解释关于财产保全担保的规定作了变通,笔者从北京、上海、江苏三地高院的规定入手,分析这些地区规定的合理之处,希望能对我国民事诉讼财产保全担保制度的进一步完善带来一些启发。 第四部分提出对我国财产保全担保制度的具体完善建议。在对财产保全担保制度的设置上突破过于严苛的要求,以提供担保为原则,同时规定当申请人满足特定条件时免除担保的例外情况。明确财产保全担保的审查原则和内容,规范财产保全担保的方式。科学确定财产保全担保的数额比例并增加变更担保和追加担保的规定。在被申请人提供担保的效力问题上,明确被申请人提供担保应满足的条件,是否解除担保也要区分财产保全措施针对财产或者行为作出不同的规定。
[Abstract]:The system of property preservation security is that in the property preservation proceedings, the parties shall provide certain credit or property, which shall be used as security after being approved by the people's court. To protect the party's civil right of claim or the other party's right of claim arising from improper property preservation can be realized. With the rapid development of our economy and the increasing number of civil disputes, the property preservation guarantee system, as an important safeguard system in civil litigation, is playing an increasingly important role in modern judicial practice. However, the current civil procedure law and the relevant judicial interpretation of the provisions of the system still remain in a simple and sporadic state, the lack of legislation also led to the trial practice of chaos. In order to give full play to the function of the security system in property preservation, this paper revolves around a main line, that is, the establishment, examination and amount of security. The way and the validity of the security provided by the respondent are discussed in order to help the smooth progress of the civil action and the realization of the parties' legitimate rights and interests. The whole structure and main contents of this paper are as follows: The first part describes the basic theory of property preservation security system as the paver of the full text. In order to understand the property preservation security, we must first understand what the property preservation security is, and then get the meaning of the property preservation security, and then compare the difference between the property preservation security and other related concepts. The second part introduces the legislation of property preservation security system in civil law system and common law system. Separately combing Germany, Japan, Taiwan and the United States on the establishment, examination, amount, method, validity of the security provided by the respondent, how to stipulate and apply it. And refine our country's relevant system provisions can learn and learn from the place. The third part analyzes the current situation of the property preservation security system in China from the legislative and practical aspects and reflects on its shortcomings. At the legislative level, China's civil procedure law pays too much attention to the establishment of the system, lacks of specific standards for the review of property preservation security, and has few provisions on the way of security, and there are many doubts as to whether the civil substantive law can be directly applied. The relevant judicial interpretation of the amount of security in practice is difficult to carry out, whether the defendant can provide security to relieve the property preservation seems to be open to question. At the practical level, some local courts have modified the current civil procedure law and the relevant judicial interpretation of the provisions on property preservation guarantee. The author starts with the provisions of the three high courts in Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu. By analyzing the rationality of the regulations in these areas, we hope to bring some inspiration to the further improvement of the property preservation guarantee system in civil litigation in China. The fourth part puts forward the concrete suggestions to the property preservation guarantee system of our country. In order to break through the strict requirement of setting up the security system of property preservation, the principle of providing security is taken as the principle. At the same time, the exception of security is exempted when the applicant meets certain conditions. Make clear the principle and content of property security review and standardize the way of property preservation guarantee. Scientifically determine the proportion of the amount of the property security and increase the provisions of the security and additional security. On the issue of the validity of the security provided by the respondent, it is clear that the conditions to be satisfied by the respondent in providing the security, whether the security is released or not, should also distinguish between the measures of property preservation and the different provisions for the property or the act.


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