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发布时间:2018-05-30 00:31

  本文选题:公安机关 + 执法公开 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国法制化进程的加快,公安机关刑事执法面临更高的要求。进一步提高公安机关刑事执法工作的公开化和透明度,不仅能满足公众的知情权,保障了公民的基本人权;而且符合打造阳光执法,让权力在阳光下运行的时代口号。公安机关刑事执法公开,是当前加强公安机关刑事执法公正廉洁、便民利民的一项重要举措。本文运用实证分析的方法,来论证我国公安机关刑事执法公开存在的问题,提出完善刑事执法公开的几点设想,以期为我国公安机关刑事执法公开工作的开展有所裨益。 全文除引言外,共分为四个部分: 第一部分,公安机关刑事执法公开概述。首先,概念是研究问题的逻辑起点,在明确公安机关刑事执法公开概念的基础上,不难从概念中确定刑事执法公开的对象和内容。刑事执法公开的对象包括特定利益相关人和社会公众,刑事执法公开的内容包括格式信息和非格式信息两大类。其次,刑事执法公开与相关概念的界定。刑事执法公开与警务公开,两者在公开的主体和公开的例外规定上相似,不同的是警务公开的内容除刑事执法外,还包括行政执法等,警务公开的范围并未提及向特定对象告知非格式信息,救济方式与刑事执法公开不同。刑事执法公开与侦查公开,两者公开主体具有特定性,但侦查公开研究的重点是对犯罪嫌疑人的公开和对律师的公开,与其他刑事执法阶段的公开相比,侦查公开的例外规定更加严格,需平衡保障犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益和保证诉讼的顺利进行。 第二部分,A市公安局刑事执法公开的实施情况。在对A市公安局刑事执法公开进行实证调查的基础上,了解该市刑事执法公开的基本情况。首先,理顺A市公安局刑事执法公开的发展历程。将A市的发展历程与我国刑事执法公开的三个阶段进行比较分析,A市执法公开工作的开展基本上是执行公安部颁布的规章,本市刑事执法公开是一个公开的内容、对象和方式等不断逐步深入的过程;其次,把握A市公安局刑事执法公开的实施情况。分析A市公安局在一段时期内刑事案件的立案数、破案数和破案率,折射出刑事执法公开的开展情况,哪些案件向社会公开,哪些案件向特定对象公开;最后,总结A市公安局刑事执法公开取得的成效。一是刑事执法公开的方式呈现多样化,改变了传统的墙上公开形式,借助现代网络的便捷性公开刑事执法信息。二是刑事执法公开的内容区分了不同的对象予以公开,执法信息的查询机制也日趋完善。三是刑事执法公开有了监督保障与技术保障,共同促进了公开程序的正当化。 第三部分,A市公安局刑事执法公开的问题。我国刑事执法公开零散的见诸于行政法规、规章等相关法规,没有一部完整的信息公开法对其做出全面、具体地规定。刑事执法公开由于立法上的缺位和实践经验的不足,存在以下问题:一是公开范围的自由裁量权过大,囿于文本存在的模糊概念,信息公开的可操作性不强,不公开的例外规定又过于笼统,,援引高度概括式的规定作为不公开的例外必然受到外界的质疑,使刑事执法公开效果大打折扣;二是公开主体的责任不明确,缺少专门的机构开展刑事执法公开工作,现有的工作人员理论知识欠缺,且部门之间职权存在交叉,导致责任承担划分不明确;三是执法公开的监督缺失,拥有法定监督权的检察机关,监督不具有全程性且缺乏制裁性,而公安机关内部“血亲性”的监督发挥不了监督的效果,作为外部监督的媒体,由于公安机关与其定位不准确,媒体监督机制还有待完善;四是针对不公开的救济难,执法信息公开或不公开对利益相关人造成损害时,缺乏可行的救济手段和物质保障。 第四部分,完善刑事执法公开的建议。在前两部分的基础上,着眼于公安机关刑事执法公开的现状,为促进司法改革的良性发展,营造和谐的警民氛围,提出完善公安机关刑事执法公开的几点建议。第一,进一步明确公开的范围,明晰刑事执法公开过程中的模糊概念,并且确立严格的执法公开例外规定;第二,明确公开主体的责任,设立执法信息公开的专门机构,对工作人员加强培训,建立信息公开的协调机制,明确各主体的职责;第三,加强对执法公开的监督,确立检察机关监督的全程性和制裁性,促进公安机关内部监督的有效性,健全媒体对公安机关执法信息公开的监督;第四,完善不公开的救济机制,将行政复议作为一种过渡的救济手段,且将执法信息公开引入国家赔偿。
[Abstract]:With the speeding up of the legal process in our country , the criminal law enforcement of the public security organs faces higher demands , further improving the openness and transparency of the criminal law enforcement work of the public security organs , not only can satisfy the public ' s right to know , but also safeguard the basic human rights of citizens ;
Moreover , it is an important measure to strengthen the public security organ ' s public security organ ' s public security and public security , and to put forward some ideas for improving the public security organ ' s public security organ ' s public security .

In addition to the introduction , it is divided into four parts :

Firstly , the concept is the logic starting point of the research problem , and it is difficult to determine the object and content of the public security organ ' s criminal law enforcement .

The second part , the implementation of the public security bureau criminal law enforcement of city A . On the basis of the investigation of the public security bureau criminal law enforcement of A city , the basic situation of the public security bureau criminal law enforcement is discussed . Firstly , the development course of A city is compared with the three stages of criminal law enforcement in China .
Secondly , we can grasp the implementation of the public security bureau criminal law enforcement in A city , analyze the number of cases , the number of cases and the case rate of the criminal cases in A city public security bureau in a period of time , reflect the situation of the public security of the criminal law enforcement , which cases are disclosed to the public and which cases are disclosed to the specific object ;
Finally , the author summarizes the results of criminal law enforcement in A city public security bureau . One is that the public security of criminal law enforcement is diversified , the traditional wall public form is changed , the information of criminal law enforcement is disclosed by the convenience of modern network .

In the third part , the issue of public security bureau criminal law enforcement is open . There is no complete information disclosure law in China ' s criminal law enforcement .
Second , the responsibility of the public subject is not clear , the lack of specialized institutions to carry out the criminal law enforcement open work , the existing staff theoretical knowledge is deficient , and the division of authority between the departments has crossed , which leads to the unclear division of responsibilities ;
Third , the lack of supervision of the public security of the law enforcement , the procuratorial organs with the legal supervision power , the supervision of the non - existence of the whole course and the lack of sanction , and the supervision of the " blood compatibility " inside the public security organs can not exert the supervision effect , as the media of the external supervision , because the public security organs and their positioning are not accurate , the media supervision mechanism is still to be improved ;
The fourth is the lack of practical remedies and material guarantees in the case of public relief difficulties , the disclosure of law enforcement information or the lack of disclosure of harm to stakeholders .

On the basis of the first two parts , focusing on the present situation of the public security organ ' s criminal law enforcement , aiming at promoting the healthy development of judicial reform and creating a harmonious police atmosphere , this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the public security organ ' s public criminal law enforcement . First , to further clarify the scope of the disclosure , to clarify the vague concept in the public process of criminal law enforcement , and to establish strict enforcement public exception stipulation ;
Secondly , make clear the responsibility of the subject , establish the specialized agency of the law enforcement information disclosure , strengthen the training for the staff , establish the coordination mechanism of information disclosure , and clarify the responsibilities of the main bodies ;
Third , strengthen the supervision of the public security of the law enforcement , establish the whole process and the sanction of the supervision of the procuratorial organs , promote the effectiveness of the internal supervision of the public security organs , and improve the supervision of the public security organs ' public security ;
Fourthly , perfect the non - public relief mechanism , as a kind of transitional relief means , and introduce the law enforcement information into the state compensation .


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