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发布时间:2018-05-30 01:45

  本文选题:再审事由 + 实体性再审事由 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:只有存在民事再审事由,民事再审程序才能得以启动,因此关于如何设置民事再审事由就居于核心位置,在民事诉讼中也占据着极为着重要的地位,它一方面可以帮助当事人启动再审,另一方面也可帮助法院维护生效裁判的既判力。案件一旦进入民事再审程序,原生效裁判就有可能被推翻,它的公信力、司法权威性受到损害,同时还会打破当事人确定的合法权益。由此可以说,合理设定民事再审事由对维护裁判的既判力和当事人的权益都有着重大的意义,它也成为民事诉讼法学界努力的一个方向。从引起再审的诸多事由中可以看出,占据较大比重的是有关案件事实认定存在错误或重大瑕疵。法院是基于案件事实做出裁判的,倘若作为认定事实基础的诉讼材料或证据资料存在重大瑕疵,裁判的公正性就无法彰显,当事人的民事权益也会受损。此外,案件事实认定除涉及到证据收集和提供外,还包括证人出庭作证、鉴定人提供鉴定意见、法官判断证据证明力等复杂问题,因此法院在事实认定方面出现错误的情形也较多,而此类错误很可能成为当事人提起再审请求的事由,所以对这类实体性方面的事由设置就需要更加重视。因此,结合我国司法实践来对民事实体性再审事由加以分析,同时借鉴国外的立法经验来提出一些完善建议,应当是具有一定意义的。 本文除引言和结语外,正文分为三个部分: 第一部分是对民事再审事由和实体性再审事由的基本理论做了概述,主要包括概念、构成、在诉讼中的地位和功能,以及实体性再审事由的特征和种类。第二部分是采用横向的比较分析法,主要是介绍典型的大陆法系国家关于实体性再审事由的规定,进而作出分析比较和评价,他们对再审事由设置的严格限制理念以及对之具体细化的方法,对我国关于再审事由的设置都是有借鉴启示的。第三部分也是全文的重点,通过抽样统计调查对我国的民事实体性再审事由进行类型化分析,分别对新证据事由、缺乏证据事由、证据伪造事由和法律适用错误事由展开讨论,认识到实体性再审事由仍然存在的不足和缺陷,并结合分析和研究,提出了一些补救缺陷和不足的建议。
[Abstract]:Only if there is a reason for civil retrial can the civil retrial procedure be started. Therefore, how to set up the civil retrial cause occupies the core position and occupies an extremely important position in the civil litigation. On the one hand, it can help the parties to initiate the retrial, on the other hand, it can also help the court to maintain the res judicata of the effective decision. Once the case enters into the civil retrial procedure, the original effective judgment may be overturned, its credibility and judicial authority are damaged, and at the same time, it will break the legitimate rights and interests determined by the parties. It can be said that the reasonable setting of civil retrial cause is of great significance to the maintenance of the res judicata and the rights and interests of the parties, and it has also become a direction of the civil procedural law field. It can be seen from the causes of retrial that there are errors or major defects in the factual cognizance of the relevant cases. The court makes the judgment based on the facts of the case. If there is a major flaw in the litigation material or evidence material which is the basis for the determination of the fact, the impartiality of the judge cannot be demonstrated and the civil rights and interests of the parties concerned will be damaged. In addition, the determination of the facts of the case involves not only the collection and provision of evidence, but also complex issues such as the appearance of witnesses to testify, the expert to provide expert opinions and the judge to judge the power of proof of evidence. Therefore, there are many cases where the court has errors in finding the facts, and this kind of error is likely to be the reason for the parties to file a request for retrial, so it is necessary to pay more attention to the establishment of such substantive aspects. Therefore, it is of certain significance to analyze the reasons of civil substantial retrial and to draw on the legislative experience of foreign countries to put forward some perfect suggestions. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided into three parts: The first part summarizes the basic theories of civil retrial and substantive retrial, including concept, constitution, status and function in litigation, and the characteristics and types of substantive retrial. The second part is the use of horizontal comparative analysis, mainly to introduce the typical civil law countries on the substantive retrial of the provisions, and then to make analysis and evaluation. Their strict limitation on the reason of retrial and the detailed methods of the retrial are instructive to the setting of the cause of retrial in our country. The third part is also the focal point of the full text, through the sampling statistical investigation to carry on the type analysis to our country's civil entity retrial reason, respectively to the new evidence cause, the lack of the evidence reason, the evidence falsification matter and the law application mistake reason to launch the discussion. It is recognized that the reasons of substantial retrial are still insufficient, and some suggestions are put forward to remedy the defects and deficiencies combined with the analysis and research.


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8 李浩;;民事判决中的证据失权:案例与分析[J];现代法学;2008年05期




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