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发布时间:2018-05-30 02:21

  本文选题:环境公益诉讼 + 诉讼费用 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The litigation costs of environmental public interest litigation are often too high, but the current burden of litigation costs only adjusts the litigation costs of the parties from the vertical point of view of the state and the parties. Instead of diverting the costs of litigation horizontally between the parties, that is, the costs of litigation costs of the parties have not been included in the scope of the current litigation costs in our country. Can not fully adapt to the current environmental public interest litigation development needs. How to design the rules of environmental public interest litigation costs scientifically and reasonably, and how to flow the cost of litigation between the country and the parties according to different situations, has become the key point of the development and breakthrough of the system. In the aspect of perfecting the cost system of environmental public interest litigation, we should make an in-depth study on the influencing factors and principles of perfecting the system of environmental public interest litigation costs, and start with the investigation and comparison of the relevant domestic fund guarantee mechanism and foreign experience. It is necessary not only to carefully consider the reasonable relationship between private and public costs, but also to give full consideration to the rational distribution and flow of litigation costs between horizontal and vertical, and to formulate different rules according to different circumstances. According to the local conditions, a bidirectional, mobile and three-dimensional system of cost burden between the state and the parties is constructed. With regard to the guarantee of funds for environmental public interest litigation expenses, it shall be fully protected through the state financial burden, the establishment of the environmental public interest litigation fund and litigation insurance, and the emphasis shall be placed on the fund's administrative organs and applications for the fund, The payment and supervision of fund operation should be strengthened in order to establish the mode of litigation cost sharing in line with the development of environmental public interest litigation in China.


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