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发布时间:2018-05-30 10:25

  本文选题:刑讯逼供 + 成因 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑讯逼供是一种历史产物。即使在高呼法治文明、人权保障的现代社会,刑讯逼供现象仍然存在。它是一种野蛮陋习,与社会主义法制格格不入,随着人类法治文明的日益进步,刑讯逼供注定要被彻底禁绝,这是历史进化的规律使然。要革除刑讯逼供这个弊端,首先要弄清楚产生这个弊端的原因。刑讯逼供之所以难以禁绝,有历史的包袱,有刑讯逼供自身具有的特殊的抗药性以及立法上的疏漏。要遏制刑讯逼供,就要消除其产生的思想根源,用制度保障使其失去生存空间,进而提高侦查能力,从根本上遏制刑讯逼供的发展。 本文采用了文献研究法,通过调查和收集大量与刑讯逼供相关的文献、图表来获得资料,在论文关于一些理论及概念的问题中运用了比较研究的方法,通过对各国相关立法与我国立法的比较,分析我国与国外在刑讯逼供的相关理论及立法规定的不同点与共同点。笔者通过研究性学习结合一线侦查工作,掌握了第一手材料,实际全面、正确地了解掌握刑讯逼供现象的具体理论依据,为遏止刑讯迪供提供正确的对策、观点。在写作过程中,参阅了大量文献和著作,将各个学者的观点和论点去粗取精,去伪存真,细心归纳,从而得出自己的结论。 本文主体部分由四个部分构成:首先是关于刑讯逼供的起源问题简述,在这个模块中笔者从历史的角度客观地分析了刑讯的由来和发展;然后将中外的刑讯逼供进行了对比分析;其次,从刑事诉讼法学科的角度,提出刑讯逼供为何难以禁绝和刑讯逼供的成因,对刑讯逼供机制形成的法学文化及为什么必须遏制刑讯逼供等内容进行系统梳理和分析;再次,从证据法学科的角度,由刑讯逼供现象引发了对沉默权和非法证据排除规则的思考,在借鉴国外立法经验及实施办法的前提下,认真探讨了中国刑事诉讼中关于沉默权和非法证据排除的价值分析;最后,从侦查学学科的角度,在一系列的问题和理论之后通过分析现状,详细探讨和研究遏制刑讯逼供的路径、办法和对策。
[Abstract]:Extorting confessions by torture is a historical product. Even in the modern society of chanting civilization of rule of law and guarantee of human rights, extortion of confession by torture still exists. It is a kind of barbaric bad habit, which is incompatible with the socialist legal system. With the progress of the civilization of human rule of law, extorting confessions by torture is doomed to be completely forbidden, which is the result of historical evolution. In order to eliminate the malpractice of extorting confessions by torture, we must first find out the reasons for this malpractice. The reason why extorting confessions by torture is difficult is the historical burden, the special drug resistance and legislative omissions of extorting confessions by torture. In order to curb the extortion of confession by torture, we must eliminate its ideological origin, make it lose its living space with the system guarantee, and then improve its investigative ability, so as to contain the development of extorting confession by torture fundamentally. This article adopts the literature research method, through investigating and collecting a large number of documents and charts related to extorting confessions by torture to obtain the data, and applies the method of comparative research in some theories and concepts of the paper. By comparing the relevant legislation of various countries with the legislation of our country, this paper analyzes the differences and common points of the relevant theories and legislative provisions of extorting confessions by torture between China and foreign countries. Through the research study combined with the front-line investigation, the author grasps the firsthand materials, comprehensively and correctly understands the concrete theoretical basis of the phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture, and provides the correct countermeasures and viewpoints for the suppression of torture. In the process of writing, we have read a large number of documents and works to draw their own conclusions from the views and arguments of various scholars, to distinguish the false things, to retain the real things, to sum up the real things carefully and to draw their own conclusions. The main body of this paper is composed of four parts: firstly, the origin of torture is briefly described. In this module, the author objectively analyzes the origin and development of torture from the historical point of view; Secondly, from the point of view of the subject of criminal procedure law, the author puts forward the reasons why extorting confessions by torture and extorting confessions by torture are difficult, This paper systematically combs and analyzes the legal culture of the mechanism of extorting confessions by torture and why it is necessary to contain the content of extorting confessions by torture. Thirdly, from the perspective of the discipline of evidence law, The phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture leads to the thinking of the right to silence and the exclusion rules of illegal evidence. On the premise of drawing lessons from foreign legislative experience and implementing methods, this paper discusses the value analysis of the right to silence and the exclusion of illegal evidence in criminal proceedings in China. Finally, from the point of view of the subject of criminal investigation, after analyzing a series of problems and theories, this paper discusses and studies in detail the ways, methods and countermeasures to curb the extortion of confessions by torture.


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