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发布时间:2018-06-03 01:07

  本文选题:行政诉讼目的 + 一元主导论 ; 参考:《学术交流》2016年08期

[Abstract]:At present, most administrative law scholars in mainland China advocate that the Skopos Theory of Administrative Litigation system should be a monistic dominant teleology, while more administrative scholars in Taiwan advocate the dual Skopos Theory of protecting the rights and interests of the people and supervising the administration. This kind of difference has the realistic value of deep research. Through a comparative study of the main purpose of the administrative litigation system on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in terms of the scope of cases directly related to its practice, the plaintiff's qualifications and the differences in public interest litigation, This paper explores the significance of dualistic teleology to the mainstream Skopos theory in the mainland, and points out clearly that the administrative litigation system in the mainland should be more in line with the social development and the trend of the times. That is to say, administrative supervision and protection of the rights and interests of the people are the two fundamental purposes of the administrative litigation system in mainland China, and the resolution of administrative disputes is the direct purpose of the administrative litigation system.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院;


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