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发布时间:2018-06-06 00:37

  本文选题:错案 + 事实认定 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,在司法活动中由于事实认定错误而产生的错案屡见不鲜,事实认定错误是错案发生的重要内容,诉讼中的事实认定活动是裁判者依据证据材料对原发案件事实进行回溯推理而形成的内心确信的过程。影响事实认定的因素中,有传统对事实认定的认知观念错误、思维逻辑方法不恰当、以及运用证据不到位、裁判者的自由裁量等因素造成的,任何事实的认定都离不开这些因素的作用。 由于司法实践中长期被错误的事实认定观念的影响,以致我们在追求事实真相的道路上越走越偏。事实认定是整个诉讼活动的中心,本文从正确认识事实认定的性质分析,探究事实认定实质,找出发生错误的根源,转变以往对事实认定的错误观念,再通过对证据领域的分析,重塑证据观念,力求获得准确的事实认定依据。事实认定是裁判者内心的思维重构的结果,对思维的正确导向还需科学有效的逻辑方法为前提。裁判者作为事实认定的主体、实践者,能够造成错误的同时也能纠正错误,如何正确认定事实取决于裁判者的良好的导向作用。下文分别从影响事实认定的各个方面加以分析并做出期待,,以求今后对事实认定活动的研究有所裨益,从根源预防错案的发生。
[Abstract]:In recent years, in judicial activities due to the fact of the error caused by the common occurrence of wrong cases, the fact of the error is an important content of the occurrence of wrong cases, The activity of fact determination in litigation is a process of innermost conviction formed by the referee based on the evidence material to make a retrospective reasoning to the facts of the original case. Among the factors that influence the fact determination, there are some factors, such as the mistake of the traditional cognition concept, the improper method of thinking logic, the improper use of evidence, the discretion of the referee and so on. Because the judicial practice has long been influenced by the wrong idea of the fact, we are more and more inclined to pursue the truth. The fact cognizance is the center of the whole litigation activity. This paper analyzes the nature of the fact cognizance, probes into the essence of the fact cognizance, finds out the root of the mistake, and changes the misconception of the fact cognizance in the past. Through the analysis of the field of evidence, remoulding the concept of evidence, strive to obtain accurate factual basis. The fact is the result of the reconfiguration of the referee's inner mind, and the correct direction of the thinking still needs scientific and effective logical method as the premise. The referee, as the subject and practitioner of the fact, can make mistakes and correct them. How to correctly identify the facts depends on the good guiding role of the referee. The following analyses and makes the expectation from each aspect which affects the fact cognizance, in order to have the benefit to the fact cognizance activity research in the future, prevents the wrong case from the root cause the occurrence.


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