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发布时间:2018-06-07 10:19

  本文选题:技侦证据 + 适用 ; 参考:《法律适用》2017年11期

[Abstract]:Since the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law for many years, the technical investigation evidence has still not entered the court cross-examination procedure, and the judges have verified the technical investigation evidence out of court, and compromise is also made to strengthen the inner confidence of the technical investigation department to consult the materials, leading to the dilemma of legislation leading to the practice disjointing. In view of the present situation and problems such as the need to improve the level of investigation and the difficulty of the technical investigation evidence coming to court in one step, this paper puts forward the following points: strengthen the procedure, complete the examination and approval procedure of technical investigation, be legal, mainly apply the examination and approval procedure with the conversion material, and make the direct application as the supplementary. In the judgment, the final application of technical investigation evidence is combined with the limited application, the trial cross-examination is the main part of the technical investigation evidence, the verification out of court is auxiliary, and the application of the technical investigation evidence should be limited to the judgment of the major crime case. At the same time, according to the facts of the case and the circumstances of the evidence, the paper puts forward three levels of the application of the technical investigation evidence, that is, the direct application, the reinforcement application, and the application of the facts in order to find out the key circumstances.
【作者单位】: 北京市第二中级人民法院刑一庭;


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