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发布时间:2018-06-09 05:42

  本文选题:民事审判改革 + 释明权 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The right of interpretation is a concept in civil litigation of the continental law system, which appeared in the code of civil procedure of Germany. It is a new term introduced in the judicial reform of our country in recent years. With the deepening of judicial reform in our country, the mode of civil action has gradually changed from the mode of authority litigation to the mode of litigant action after a long period of judicial practice. However, in many civil litigation, especially at the grass-roots level, the legal knowledge of the parties is often relatively low, and the litigation capacity is deficient. In order to make up for the defects of the litigant litigation mode, the system of the judge's interpretation right should be established in good time. At present, it has its rationality and necessity, which is an insurmountable stage in the process of judicial reform in our country. Although some provisions on evidence in civil proceedings have been made by the Supreme Court in December 2001, there are still many deficiencies, and there has been a lot of discussion about the right of interpretation in academic circles. However, most of the research from a theoretical point of view, the practical operation or depends on the discretion of the judge, the use of interpretation power is not uniform. In view of this, this paper intends to make a little analysis and discussion on how to correctly understand and apply the interpretation power in trial practice from the angle of a basic judge, hoping that it will be useful for the construction and perfection of the system of interpretation power in the future.


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