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发布时间:2018-06-09 11:44

  本文选题:城市房屋 + 征收与补偿 ; 参考:《海南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济社会的不断发展,城市化建设也在加速推进。城市化进程中必然会伴随着大量市政建设以及旧城区改造等建设项目的实施,而这些项目的实施都不可避免会涉及到对城市房屋的征收与补偿。而且随着城市化建设步伐的加快,城市房屋征收规模的扩大,数量的增多,使得城市房屋征收与补偿领域的纠纷日益增多,城市房屋征收与补偿成为最易引发社会问题的一个敏感领域。城市房屋征收与补偿是我国的一项独特的制度,因为我国实行的是城市土地所有权与城市房屋所有权相分离的二元产权制度,城市规划区域内的土地所有权归属于国家,而城市房屋所有者只对其房屋占用范围内的土地拥有有限的使用权。这样的制度设计使得我国的城市房屋征收相较于域外国家的征收制度更繁杂,加之相关法律制度不健全,导致了城市房屋征与收补偿纠纷日益突出,进而引发诸多的暴力事件和群体性事件。目前针对城市房屋征收与补偿纠纷,存在行政救济和司法救济两种权利救济机制。司法救济在城市房屋征收与补偿纠纷中具备权力制约和权利救济双重功能,是解决城市房屋征收与补偿纠纷最权威、最正式的法律程序。理应成为解决城市房屋征收与补偿纠纷的最重要的途径。 本文对城市房屋征收与补偿的司法救济制度进行研究,全文共四部分。 第一部分,围绕城市房屋征收与补偿的司法救济的一般理论进行论述,主要介绍了城市房屋征收与补偿的概念、城市房屋征收与补偿的司法救济的概念、特点、城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济的意义等内容。 第二部分,立足于域外研究的视角,主要介绍了英国、美国、法国、日本这几个国家的城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济方面的制度,并在此基础上总结了国外的成功经验,如设置了完备的司法救济制度、司法救济与行政救济紧密配合、司法救济介入公共利益的确定程序、司法救济中注重促成纠纷双方达成合意来化解纠纷等,对完善我国的城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济具有重大的借鉴意义。 第三部分,着重论述了我国城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济的立法和司法现状,并重点分析了城市房屋征收与补偿的司法救济中存在的问题,诸如司法地方化阻碍城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济的正常运行、城市房屋征收与补偿的司法救济范围较窄、城市房屋征收与补偿的司法救济不平衡、城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济的审查范围不合理等,这些问题都亟待解决。 第四部分,针对我国目前城市房屋征收与补偿的司法救济存在的现实问题,提出了较为可行的六个方面的完善构想。包括:提高城市房屋征收与补偿纠纷案件审理法院的级别、扩大城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济的范围、赋予征收机关对城市房屋征收补偿协议纠纷的起诉权、准予法院对城市房屋征收与补偿行为进行合理性审查、增加城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济的判决种类、引入城市房屋征收与补偿司法救济的调解制度。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the economy and society, the urbanization construction is also accelerating. The process of urbanization must be accompanied by the implementation of a large number of municipal construction and the reconstruction of the old city area, and the implementation of these projects will inevitably involve the collection and compensation of urban housing. The enlargement of the city housing expropriation scale and the increase of the quantity make the disputes in the field of urban housing expropriation and compensation increasing. The collection and compensation of urban housing are the most sensitive areas to cause social problems. The collection and compensation of urban housing is a unique system in our country, because China implements the urban land ownership and city. The two yuan property right system separated from the ownership of the city's housing ownership, the land ownership in the urban planning area belongs to the state, and the urban housing owners only have limited use right to the land occupied by their houses. This system design makes the urban housing expropriation in China more complicated than the foreign countries. The relevant legal system is not perfect, which leads to the increasingly prominent disputes between the urban housing levy and the compensation for compensation, and then many violent incidents and mass incidents. At present, there are two rights relief mechanisms of administrative relief and judicial relief in the case of urban housing expropriation and compensation. The dual function of force restriction and right relief is the most authoritative and formal legal procedure to solve the dispute of urban housing expropriation and compensation. It should be the most important way to solve the dispute of urban housing expropriation and compensation.
This paper studies the judicial remedy system of urban housing expropriation and compensation, which consists of four parts.
In the first part, the general theory of judicial relief for urban housing expropriation and compensation is discussed. The concept of urban housing expropriation and compensation, the concept of judicial relief for urban housing expropriation and compensation, characteristics, the meaning of urban housing expropriation and compensation for judicial relief are introduced in the first part.
The second part, based on the perspective of extraterritorial research, mainly introduces the system of urban housing expropriation and compensation in Britain, the United States, France and Japan, and summarizes the successful experience of foreign countries on this basis, such as the establishment of a complete judicial relief system, the close cooperation of judicial relief and administrative relief, and the judicial rescue. It is of great significance to improve our country's housing expropriation and compensation to improve our country's housing expropriation and compensation for judicial relief.
The third part mainly discusses the legislative and judicial status of the urban housing expropriation and compensation judicial relief, and focuses on the analysis of the existing problems in the judicial relief of the urban housing expropriation and compensation, such as the normal operation of the judicial localization which hinders the urban housing expropriation and the compensation of the judicial relief, and the judicial rescue of the urban housing expropriation and compensation. The economic scope is narrow, the judicial relief of the urban housing expropriation and compensation is not balanced, and the examination scope of the urban housing expropriation and compensation judicial relief is not reasonable, and these problems need to be solved urgently.
The fourth part, in view of the current problems existing in the judicial relief of urban housing expropriation and compensation in China, put forward more feasible six aspects of the perfect conception, including: raising the level of the court to improve the cases of urban housing expropriation and compensation disputes, expanding the scope of the urban housing expropriation and compensation judicial relief, and endow the expropriation organ to the government. The right to prosecute the urban housing compensation agreement disputes, grant the court to the city housing expropriation and compensation conduct reasonable review, increase the urban housing collection and compensation judicial relief of the type of judgment, the introduction of urban housing collection and compensation of judicial relief mediation system.


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