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发布时间:2018-06-09 15:07

  本文选题:调解 + 行政调解 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:之所以选择行政调解课题进行研究,是因为本课题的研究有着极其重要的理论价值和实践意义。我们都知道在中国进入改革开放以后,无论是在经济格局还是社会体制方面,以及在利益分配和人们的思想观念等多方面都发生了巨大而又深刻的变化。我们所面对的是一个机遇与挑战并存,发展与冲突并在的时期。伴随着和谐社会理念在中国国内和世界范围内的倡导与推广,行政调解制度在当前的经济和社会生活中,越来越成为行政主体解决矛盾纠纷的重要手段之一。由此,我们需要从微观和宏观等多方面出发来构建和完善行政调解制度。行政调解作为一种准司法性质的制度,其本身的建立与完善必将丰富行政主体行政行为的方式与内容,将有助于彻底的解决矛盾纠纷,维护稳定的社会生活秩序,减轻法院的审案负担和节约司法资源,更将有助于构建和完善我国多元化的法律纠纷解决制度。所以本课题的研究对于完善和丰富我国的行政调解内容,维护社会稳定与发展,构建和谐社会都具有着重要的意义。 本文正文共分为五个部分,全面系统的对行政调解制度进行了介绍,为完善我国的行政调解制度提出了某些建设性的意见,具体内容如下: 第一部分是“调解制度的理论概览”。该部分主要对调解的概念,调解在中国历史上的渊源和当前中国存在的几大调解制度进行了讨论。探讨了不同的学者对于调解制度的多样性理解;探讨了调解制度在中国的从古到今的变迁,以及调解制度在中国存在的政治、经济、文化基础;探讨了当前中国存在的人民调解、行政调解、司法调解和大调解等主要调解制度。简而言之,第一部分主要是对调解背景知识的一些讨论,使人们对于调解制度有所了解。 第二部分是“行政调解的理论定位”。文章的此部分主要是对行政调解的基础理论部分进行了介绍。具体来说包括: (1)介绍了中外学者们对于行政调解的认识和理解,以及对比了各种调解的异同,从而加深了对行政调解的基本理念和概念的认识。 (2)通过构建和谐社会建设的需要、公权力的契约化、现代公权力(行政权)不可处分理念的转变、现代行政法平衡理论等介绍,说明了行政调解制度存在和发展的理论知识部分。 (3)通过说明行政调解有助于构建和谐社会、减轻司法负担、促进法制改革,保障社会稳定,说明了行政调解的价值和作用。 第三部分“域外调解制度的考察与启示”。文章的这部分通过分析对比大陆法系(法国、日本)和英美法系(美国)以及我国香港地区的行政调解制度的优缺点,探讨了相关调解制度对我国的借鉴意义。 第四部分“我国行政调解制度的问题梳理”。文章的此部分主要对我国现阶段的行政调解制度所存在的一些问题进行了讨论。例如对强迫调解、调解手段落后、调解程序不完善、调解协议效力不明确等。此部分对于这些问题进行了深刻的分析,并探明了问题背后的原因。 第五部分“我国行政调解制度完善的法治思考”。该部分是文章的最后一部分,它主要是通过对以上部分的分析和归纳,对我国的行政调解制度的进步与完善提出了建设性的意见。
[Abstract]:As a kind of quasi - judicial system , we need to construct and perfect the administrative mediation system in the current economic and social life , and to reduce the burden of administrative mediation and save the judicial resources . Therefore , the research of this subject is of great significance to perfect and enrich our country ' s administrative mediation content , to maintain social stability and development , and to build a harmonious society .

The text of this paper is divided into five parts , the comprehensive system introduces the administrative mediation system , provides some constructive suggestions for perfecting the administrative mediation system of our country , the concrete contents are as follows :

The first part is the theoretical overview of the mediation system . This part mainly discusses the concept of mediation , the origin of mediation in China ' s history and the current China ' s existing mediation system .
The changes of mediation system in China from ancient to present and the political , economic and cultural basis of mediation system in China are discussed .
The main mediation system , such as the People ' s Mediation , Administrative Mediation , Judicial Mediation and Great Mediation in China , is discussed . In brief , the first part is mainly about the discussion about the background knowledge of mediation , which makes people know about the mediation system .

The second part is " the theoretical positioning of administrative mediation " . This part of the article mainly introduces the basic theory part of administrative mediation . Specifically , it includes :

( 1 ) This paper introduces the Chinese and foreign scholars ' understanding and understanding of administrative mediation , as well as the similarities and differences of various kinds of mediation , thus deepening the understanding of the basic idea and concept of administrative mediation .

( 2 ) The theoretical knowledge part of the existence and development of the administrative mediation system is explained through the construction of harmonious society , the contract of public power , the transformation of modern public power ( administrative right ) , the transformation of the principle of non - disposition , the balance theory of modern administrative law , etc .

( 3 ) It explains the value and function of administrative mediation by explaining that administrative mediation can help to build a harmonious society , lighten the judicial burden , promote the reform of legal system and guarantee social stability .

In this part , this part analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the administrative mediation system between the Continental Law System ( France , Japan ) and the Anglo - American law system ( USA ) and the Hong Kong region of our country , and probes into the reference significance of the relevant mediation system to our country .

The fourth part discusses the problems of the administrative mediation system in our country . This part mainly discusses some problems existing in the current administrative mediation system of our country . For example , it has deeply analyzed these problems , and explored the reasons behind the problem .

In the last part of the article , the author puts forward some constructive suggestions on the progress and perfection of the administrative mediation system in our country .


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