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发布时间:2018-06-09 15:58

  本文选题:诱供骗供 + 侦讯方法 ; 参考:《山西大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The criminal procedure law of China has always made a prohibitive provision on the act of entrenching confession and confession. In 1979, the criminal procedure law and the 1996 criminal procedure law stipulate "the prohibition of extorting confessions by torture, threats, lure, deception and other illegal methods to collect evidence". The current "Criminal Procedure Law" has made further provisions on the basis of the current law of criminal procedure. That is, "the criminal suspects collected by the illegal methods of extorting the confession by torture and other illegal methods should be excluded". However, there is no clear regulation on how to deal with the evidence obtained by the way of confession and confession. The judicial interpretation issued by the Supreme Court has explained the content of the word "and so on" for extorting the confession by torture, but it does not contain a confession. Any content of the fraud, this kind of fuzzy legislative provisions makes the investigators of the investigative organs do not pay attention to the risk consequences of the act of cheating and confession, which leads to the emergence of a lot of interrogation methods in practice. As a result, the confession obtained in the way of confession and fraud has fallen into the embarrassment of "legislative prohibition, exclusion in the interpretation, common detection, indifference in trial, and tolerance in society". In order to reduce the risk of the act of confession and confession, it is of great significance to regulate such behavior. In order to reduce the risk caused by the act of confession and confession, the author makes a specific analysis of the act of confession and confession by consulting literature and research cases, and divides this article into five Part one is introduced: the first part defines the concept of the act of inducing the confession and confession. The confession is to use the means of temptation to obtain the guilty confession of the suspect, and the fraud is to cheat the suspect's confession by means of deception, and also as a means of interrogation, the two have the characteristics of direct, false, cunning and concealment. There are different forms of expression, which can be divided into different categories. The author divides the confession and fraudulent supply behavior into pure confession, fraudulent confession and pure fraud for three types of behavior, with the authenticity of results and content as well as the means of temptation. Pure confession, including real confession, threatening confession and emotional confession, three On this basis, the real and emotional confession is further defined as a legal interrogation strategy, the threat of confession, fraudulent confession and pure fraud are illegal confession forms. The second part makes a specific analysis of the related legislation and judicial present in our country. For the prohibition of the act of confession, there is no specific procedure to deal with. This kind of label type and fuzzy legislative provisions lead to difficult operation in judicial practice and various judicial disturbances. Through the analysis of a series of false false cases in our country, we can see that the source of confession and fraud is the problem of the source of false confession. Under the joint action of the factors, the false confession entered the trial and was adopted, which led to a large number of irreparable mistakes. The third part analyses the reasons for the causes of the confession and confession, and the "confession centralism" seriously distorts the investigator's view of obtaining evidence. The law makes the investigator's behavior more arbitrary, the investigation and interrogation system is not perfect, which further increases the opportunity for the investigators to induce and deceive the supply. The joint effect of the three makes the confession and cheating act wantonly in the investigation practice. The fourth part discusses the danger of the act of confession and confession. First, the act of entrapment and fraud will be produced. False statements, which affect the authenticity of the case, lead to a series of false and false cases, that is, the real risk of the case; secondly, deception and threat are malignant investigation and interrogation means, which will produce moral hazard. Again, injustice and false case will let the judicial organ lose credibility, reduce the judicial credibility, produce legal risk, and then cause social rank. The preface is more chaotic, the people are more distrust of the law, bring great resistance to the construction of the rule of law society and produce social risks. Finally, combining with some advanced foreign practices and drawing lessons from foreign countries, some suggestions are put forward to regulate the act of confession and confession in our country. The correct direction; secondly, to clarify the relevant laws and regulations to solve the problem of disconnection with the judicial practice; again, to improve our investigation and interrogation system, in order to reduce the occurrence of false confession, to prevent wrongful false cases, and to better realize the task of China's criminal procedure law to combat crime and protect human rights.


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