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发布时间:2018-06-09 17:36

  本文选题:专利 + 确认不侵权之诉 ; 参考:《广东财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在我国,专利权人滥用权力的情况时有发生,权利人向其竞争者发出警告信,对他人进行侵权指控并威胁起诉,但在相当长的期间内都不向法院起诉,不仅给权力相对人造成损失,还给市场竞争造成不良影响。在知识经济的今天,为保证知识产权都可以顺利地转化为资本,促进知识经济的良好运作,严格规制专利权人滥用权力无疑是大势所趋。专利确认不侵权之诉是最早在我国实践领域出现的知识产权确认不侵权之诉的子诉,具有督促专利权人积极依法使用专利权的功能,可惜此类诉讼在理论和实践上都存在不少问题需要厘清,其法理性质、当事人资格、受理条件、管辖范围以及审判等问题等等一系列理论和实践方面的具体问题并未明确。这类案件在法律法规中还找不到对应的规定,其受理条件等问题的规定还保留在最高院的司法解释层次。本文从研究专利确认不侵权之诉的理论入手,再分析我国专利确认不侵权之诉的实施情况,并有针对性的考察域外制度,在结合我国实际情况的基础上,尝试借鉴域外制度和实践经验,以图完善我国的专利确认不侵权制度。本文共分为四部分: 第一章先论述专利确认不侵权之诉的定义与性质,然后介绍了此类诉讼的发展历程和制度价值,最后辨析专利确认不侵权之诉与其他相关诉讼的关系,突出在专利领域引入确认不侵权诉讼制度的必要性。 第二章对我国专利确认不侵权之诉的现状进行考察,集中分析了我国专利确认不侵权之诉的受理条件、管辖和审判,同时提出我国专利确认不侵权之诉在实践中所遇到的困境。 第三章考察了域外的专利确认不侵权之诉制度,并主要探讨了英美日德以及我国澳门台湾地区的专利确认不侵权之诉的受理条件、管辖法院和审判制度,并分析其对我国专利确认不侵权之诉的借鉴意义,以图能为我国专利确认不侵权之诉的制度完善带来参考意义。 第四章主要针对我国专利确认不侵权之诉的制度完善进行探讨,并结合第二、三章的研究成果,尝试从专利确认不侵权之诉的受理条件、管辖法院和审判制度等方面提出改善建议。
[Abstract]:In our country , the abuse of power by the patent holder has occurred , and the author has issued a warning letter to his competitors , and has not been charged to the court in a long period of time . It has not only caused the loss to the power but also the market competition . It is a pity that this kind of litigation has many problems in theory and practice . It is a pity that no infringement is made in theory and practice . It is a pity that this kind of litigation has many problems in theory and practice . It is a pity that the patent recognition does not infringe the right of infringement . In the light of the practical situation of our country , the author tries to draw lessons from the extraterritorial system and practical experience to perfect the patent recognition non - infringement system in our country .

The first chapter discusses the definition and nature of the patent recognition non - infringement , then introduces the development course and the system value of such litigation , and finally analyzes the relation between the patent recognition non - infringement and other relevant litigation , and highlights the necessity of confirming the non - infringement litigation system in the patent field .

The second chapter investigates the current situation of patent recognition non - infringement in our country , analyzes the acceptance condition , jurisdiction and trial of the patent recognition non - infringement in our country , and puts forward the dilemma that the patent recognition does not infringe in practice in practice .

The third chapter examines the system of patent recognition non - infringement in China and mainly discusses the admissibility condition , jurisdiction court and trial system of patent recognition non - infringement in China and Japan , and analyzes its reference significance to the patent recognition non - infringement of our country , so as to bring the reference significance for the perfection of the system of patent recognition and non - infringement .

In the fourth chapter , the author probes into the perfection of the system of patent recognition non - infringement in our country , and combines the research results of the second and third chapters , and attempts to improve the suggestions from the aspects of patent recognition , acceptance condition , jurisdiction court and trial system .


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