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发布时间:2018-06-09 17:44

  本文选题:没收财产 + 财产权变动 ; 参考:《学习与探索》2017年09期

[Abstract]:Confiscation of property is a kind of public law act which can cause the change of property right, and it belongs to civil law fact. The condition of realizing the change of property right of confiscation property is that the public law meaning of confiscation property in criminal judgment is specific and clear, and the execution organ carries out confiscation act according to criminal judgment. In the process of realizing the change of property rights, confiscation property is faced with two major difficulties: one is that the criminal judgment of confiscation property is difficult to be specified, which leads to the state having no right to possess; the other is that the civil creditor's rights are given priority after the confiscation property is enforced. The purpose of punishment may fail. The fine is a kind of pecuniary creditor's right of public law between the state and the offender, which can avoid the problem caused by the change of property right. Therefore, weighing the pros and cons, legislation should replace confiscation of property with fines to the maximum extent.
【作者单位】: 安徽大学法学院;安徽财经大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目“民事赔偿责任优先原则的实现机制研究”(11BFX029) 安徽大学2013级研究生学术创新研究扶持与强化项目“民事债权优先受偿制度研究”(yfc100190)


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