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发布时间:2018-06-10 06:05

  本文选题:非法人团体 + 诉讼主体资格 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在民事诉讼中,主体若欲通过诉讼的手段解决纠纷,其必须具备民事诉讼主体资格,其才得以启动民事诉讼程序。关于业主委员会、合伙、铁路段(站)等非法人团体的诉讼主体资格问题困扰着国内的司法实践。大陆法系的德国、日本、以及我国台湾地区关于非法人团体的诉讼主体资格问题的研究比我国大陆地区更加深入,其立法也对该问题给与了不同程度的回应。观之我国,该问题的研究就没有那么深刻、细致。本文运用分析、比较和理论联系实际的方法,来论证非法人团体诉讼主体资格的相关问题,以求厘清非法人团体享有诉讼主体资格的理论支撑和现实需要,为新型主体的诉讼法律地位的地位提供支撑,为完善我国非法人团体诉讼主体资格制度提出相关建议。 本文一共四个部分:本着提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路探讨非法人团体的诉讼主体资格问题。 第一部分:问题之提出。在民事诉讼中,得以起诉和被诉的前提是该主体享有民事诉讼主体资格。非法人团体首先在称谓、外延方面有诸多争议,在对其予以论证之后才能展开对其主体资格进行考察。观之域外法系该理论的发展历程,,梳理非法人团体诉讼主体资格从无到有,从片面到全面享有的理论和实践探讨历程,为非法人团体享有诉讼主体寻求基石。 第二部分:非法人团体诉讼主体资格要件的考察。通过对相关国家、地区的非法人团体诉讼主体资格要件的考察,并结合我国大陆地区非法人团体诉讼主体资格要件的现状,归纳出享有诉讼主体资格的非法人团体的构成要件,以期为后文完善该制度提供理论支撑。 第三部分:海峡两岸非法人团体诉讼主体资格类型化比较研究。试图通过对应且具体的比较研究寻找我国该制度存在的问题,以及台湾地区先进的学术观点和司法实践经验以进一步完善我国非法人团体诉讼主体资格制度的不足。 第四部分:非法人团体诉讼主体资格制度之完善。梳理我国立法、司法以及理论上该问题的现状,结合上文的理论分析、比较研究结论为我国非法人团体诉讼主体资格制度的完善提供理论和立法上的若干建议。
[Abstract]:In civil litigation, the subject, if it wants to solve the dispute through the means of litigation, must have the qualification of the main body of civil litigation, and it can start the civil procedure. The subject qualification of the non legal body of the owners' committee, the partnership, the railway section (station) and other non legal bodies plague the domestic judicial practice. The German, Japanese, and me of the continental law system The research on the subject qualification of the illegal person group in Taiwan is more deep than that of the mainland of China, and its legislation also gives a different degree of response to the problem. The study of this problem is not so profound and meticulous in our country. This paper uses the method of analysis, comparison and theory to connect the reality to demonstrate the illegal group. In order to clarify the theoretical support and practical needs of the non legal body group, it provides support for the status of the legal status of the new subject, and puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the qualification system of the non legal body litigation body in our country.
This article consists of four parts: in the light of the idea of asking questions, analyzing problems and solving problems, we discuss the subject qualification of non legal entity.
The first part: the question is put forward. In civil litigation, the premise of being able to prosecute and be prosecuted is that the subject is entitled to the subject of civil litigation. There are many disputes in the aspect of appellation and extension. The course of theoretical and practical discussion from one-sided to full enjoyment is the cornerstone for non legal body groups to enjoy the subject of litigation.
The second part: the investigation of the qualification requirements of the non legal body group litigation subject. Through the investigation of the qualification requirements of the non legal body litigation subject in the relevant countries and the region, and combining the status quo of the qualifications of the subject qualification of the illegal groups in the mainland of China, the constitutive requirements of the non legal body groups enjoying the qualification of the litigation subject are concluded, with a view to the latter. The paper provides theoretical support for the improvement of the system.
The third part: the comparative study on the typization of the subject qualification of non legal body groups on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, trying to find out the existing problems in our country through the corresponding and specific comparative study, as well as the advanced academic views and judicial practice experience of the Taiwan region to further improve the deficiency of the qualification system of the body of illegal people in our country.
The fourth part: the improvement of the subject qualification system of the non legal body group litigation subject, combing the status of the legislation, judicature and theory of our country, combining the theoretical analysis of the above, and comparing the conclusion of the study to provide some theoretical and legislative suggestions for the improvement of the qualification system of the non legal entity litigation subject in our country.


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