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发布时间:2018-06-13 19:23

  本文选题:排除合理怀疑 + 刑事证明标准 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:排除合理怀疑可以视为普通法系证明标准的经典概述,在其法律制度上的地位是不言而喻的,我国对排除合理怀疑从最初的批判,然后到地方法院潜规则的适用,最后正式入法,成为我国刑事证明标准的一部分。因而,裁判者如何正确适用它,成为摆在我国裁判者的一道难题。本文从以下几方面介绍了排除合理怀疑的内容,希望能对自己,甚至他人能产生有益帮助。 本文共分为四章,第一章为排除合理怀疑标准概述,重点介绍了刑事证明标准沿革—神明制度,以及排除合理怀疑的含义,及其在西方国家的理解与适用。第二章为排除合理怀疑产生的原因解析,着重介绍排除合理怀疑产生的宗教因素,是为了陪审团免受灵魂诅咒,这在当下的中国慰藉裁判者是十分有益的。第三章为排除合理怀疑的基本特征,让我们能够更好的把握排除合理怀疑的精神实质。第四章为排除合理怀疑在我国刑事中的实践把握,一个法律制度的移植,可能最初实施不能达到最初目的,甚至适得其反,笔者认为排除合理怀疑在我国的适用须有必要的辅助帮助才能产生效果,例如,最高人民法院出台司法解释对排除合理怀疑进行定义,另外最高人民法院须公布指导性案例,能对排除合理怀疑在中国能产生积极的影响。
[Abstract]:Beyond reasonable doubt can be regarded as a classical overview of the standard of proof in common law system, and its position in its legal system is self-evident. From the initial criticism to the application of the latent rules of the local court in our country, Finally, the formal entry into the law, become a part of the standard of criminal proof in our country. Therefore, how the referee applies it correctly becomes a difficult problem for the referee in our country. In this paper, the author introduces the content of eliminating reasonable doubt from the following aspects, hoping that it can be helpful to oneself or even to others. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the standard of elimination of reasonable doubt, focusing on the evolution of the standard of criminal proof-the deity system, and the meaning of the elimination of reasonable doubt, as well as its understanding and application in western countries. The second chapter is the analysis of the causes of the unreasonable doubt, which focuses on the religious factors of the reasonable doubt, which is beneficial to the Chinese consolation judges in the present time, for the sake of avoiding the soul curse of the jury. The third chapter is the basic characteristics of the elimination of reasonable doubt, so that we can better grasp the spirit of the elimination of reasonable doubt. The fourth chapter is to grasp the practice without reasonable doubt in our country's criminal law. The transplant of a legal system may not achieve the original purpose at first, and even backfire. The author thinks that the application of reasonable doubt in our country must have the necessary auxiliary help to produce effect. For example, the Supreme people's Court has issued a judicial interpretation to define the elimination of reasonable doubt, and the Supreme people's Court must publish a guiding case. It can have a positive impact in China without reasonable doubt.


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