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发布时间:2018-06-14 00:47

  本文选题:民事诉讼证明妨碍 + 构成要件 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the era of "civil litigation explosion", a sound litigation mechanism is an essential element to guarantee the realization of litigation value in the face of complicated litigation disputes. With the gradual attention to the subject status of the parties in our country, there are often some parties who actively perform their burden of proof, in order to obtain improper interests, carry out specific acts, hinder the other party's right to use the evidence fairly. In order to harm the interests of the other party. In this way, the proof hinders the regulation system to appear to be particularly important. The establishment of this system can not only safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, protect judicial justice, but also optimize the allocation of resources and lighten the burden of court investigation and evidence collection. In view of the topic, the full text is divided into four parts in addition to the introduction and conclusion. The first part is an overview of the system of civil litigation proof hindrance, mainly discusses the concept of civil litigation proof obstruction, the constituent elements and the legal basis of the regulation of proof obstruction. The second part introduces the main representative countries of the two major legal systems, the United States, Germany, Japan and Taiwan in civil proceedings against the relevant provisions of the regulatory system. From the perspective of comparative law, this paper analyzes the differences and characteristics of the civil litigation proof hindrance regulation system in these countries and regions, in order to make useful reference when perfecting the proof hindrance regulation system in our country. The third part explains the evolution and present situation of civil litigation proof hindering the regulation system. First of all, it briefly summarizes the legislative development of this system in China. Secondly, analyze the existing problems of this system in our country. Finally, the causes of these problems are analyzed. The fourth part is to perfect our country's civil lawsuit proof hinders the regulation system. On the basis of the first three parts, combined with the existing problems of this system in our country, the author puts forward some concrete suggestions.


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