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发布时间:2018-06-14 00:47

  本文选题:仲裁 + 司法审查 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The judicial review is indispensable in the arbitration supervision system, and the scientific judicial review system is of great significance for the independent existence and development of the arbitration system. This paper attempts to understand the trend of international arbitration judicial review and relevant judicial experience through comparative study of relevant legislation, principles and systems at home and abroad, and to deeply analyze the defects of the current judicial review mechanism of arbitration in China. At the same time, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the judicial review system of arbitration in China. In view of the problems existing in the current judicial review system of arbitration in China, this paper puts forward some exploratory opinions on the principle of promoting the development of arbitration, further straightening out the mechanism and design of judicial review of arbitration, and standardizing the objection system of arbitration agreement. Straightening out the relationship between annulment and non-execution, unifying the two-track system of judicial review, perfecting the system of annulment of arbitration award and re-arbitration system, establishing a judicial supervision mode with procedural supervision, in order to conform to the international trend. It is beneficial to the perfection of the judicial review system of arbitration in our country.


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