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发布时间:2018-06-14 06:59

  本文选题:信息网络侵权 + 《民事诉讼法司法解释》第条 ; 参考:《知识产权》2017年07期

[Abstract]:In judicial practice, due to the different understandings of Article 25 of the new Civil procedure Law and the Judicial interpretation of the right of Information dissemination, there are inconsistent judgments in similar cases in various local courts. However, according to the legislative intent of the judicial interpretation, not all cases related to the network are infringing acts of information network. According to the basic legislative principles of the Civil procedure Law, the original intention of the interpretation and the judicial interpretation of the relevant intellectual property rights that have been formulated are both in order to avoid the parties creating their own jurisdictional connection points. To prevent them from confusing the relationship between the case of signing a contract of sale through the network and the case of infringement of trademark rights or patent rights, and to facilitate the determination of the court of jurisdiction in the case involving foreign affairs, Therefore, it is not appropriate to use the plaintiff's domicile or the online purchase place as the connection point of the information network tort jurisdiction court.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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