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发布时间:2018-06-14 08:26

  本文选题:刑事和解 + 博弈程序 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012年刑事诉讼法中引入刑事和解,并将其作为一项重要制度。在新刑事诉讼法中对于何种案件才能进行刑事和解、在何种情形下当事人才能进行刑事和解做出了明确的规定,但对于刑事和解制度的具体操作程序却缺乏明确的规定,,这导致在侦查、起诉、审判的各个阶段中适用刑事和解制度存在许多的困惑,甚至影响了该制度应有的功用和效果。具体到审判阶段而言,从目前法院适用刑事和解的司法实践的情况看,由于进行刑事和解的标准模糊、规则不明等问题,使得人民法院对刑事和解的适用现状与刑事诉讼当事人的翘首以待形成了巨大反差,法院法官在适用刑事和解制度呈现出虚假和解、以钱买刑、司法公信力下降、当事人主体性丧失等问题。 为进一步完善该制度,充分发挥该制度的积极作用,本文采用了博弈论这一较有说服力的理论分析工具,通过引入博弈论的理论对刑事和解制度进行分析,并借鉴博弈论的理念对审判阶段刑事和解制度的现状进行透视,进而对审判阶段刑事和解制度提出改进的思路和具体路径,以引起理论界和实务界的重视,并期对我国的刑事和解的司法实践有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Criminal reconciliation was introduced into the Criminal procedure Law in 2012 as an important system. In the new criminal procedure law, there are clear provisions on what cases can be conciliated and under what circumstances the parties concerned can carry out criminal reconciliation, but there are no clear provisions on the specific operating procedures of the criminal reconciliation system. This leads to a lot of confusion in the application of the criminal reconciliation system in the stages of investigation, prosecution and trial, and even affects the function and effect of the system. Specifically to the trial stage, judging from the current judicial practice of the court in applying criminal reconciliation, due to the ambiguity of the standard of criminal reconciliation and the unclear rules, As a result, the people's court has formed a huge contrast between the current situation of application of criminal reconciliation and the expectation of the parties in criminal proceedings. When the court judges apply the system of criminal reconciliation, they present false reconciliation, buy the penalty with money, and the credibility of the judicature drops. Loss of subjectivity of the parties and other issues. In order to further improve the system and give full play to the positive role of the system, this paper adopts game theory, which is a more convincing theoretical analysis tool, to analyze the criminal reconciliation system by introducing the theory of game theory. And draw lessons from the idea of game theory to perspective the present situation of the criminal reconciliation system in the trial stage, and then put forward the improved train of thought and concrete path to the criminal reconciliation system in the trial stage, so as to arouse the attention of the theorists and the practitioners. It is beneficial to the judicial practice of criminal reconciliation in our country.


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