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发布时间:2018-06-14 23:01

  本文选题:未成年人 + 犯罪记录 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:未成年人犯罪记录封存程序的设计体现了国家对未成年犯罪人这一特殊群体权益的保护。封存未成年人的犯罪记录旨在促进未成年犯罪人能够顺利的回归社会。未成年人犯罪封存程序在我国的运行时间较短,,其在具体的实践运行存在一定的问题,为了充分发挥其特有的保护与矫正功能,本文通过分析我国未成年人犯罪记录封存程序的现状,考察域外的相关规定,在此基础上力求为我国的未成年人犯罪记录封存程序的完善提出相应的构想。本文正文分为四个部分: 第一部分是未成年人犯罪记录封存程序的概述。首先从未成年人犯罪记录封存程序的概念和具体内容两个方面阐述了其内涵;然后分析了设计该程序需要考虑哪些因素;最后对我国未成年人犯罪记录封存程序中存在的问题作了概括性的分析。 第二部分是我国未成年人犯罪记录封存的启动程序。未成年人犯罪记录封存可依职权启动,也可依申请启动。依申请启动可以放宽申请主体的范围以更好的保护未成年犯罪人的利益。刑度和罪质体现的是对未成年人之前犯罪行为的评价,并不能体现出未成年人的改造情况。设置一定的考验期限考察未成年人是否是真心悔过,未成年人在具备了真心悔过的条件才能申请封存犯罪记录。 第三部分是我国未成年人犯罪记录封存的审查决定程序。原审法院作为封存审核机关具有一定的的合理性,法院可以采用书面审和听证的方式相结合决定是否封存未成年人的犯罪记录。对于案件情况简单、争议较小的案件可以采用法官独任制以提高效率;而案件情况较为复杂、争议较大的案件则要由合议庭评议之后进行裁决。 第四部分是我国未成年人犯罪记录封存的救济程序。未成年人在自己的犯罪记录被违规处理权益受到侵害时、未成年人犯罪案件中被害人的权利受损时可以寻求相应的救济,以保障各自权利的实现。
[Abstract]:The design of the criminal record sealing procedure of minors embodies the protection of the special group's rights and interests of the juvenile delinquency. The record of the minors' criminal record is aimed at promoting the juvenile delinquency to return to the society smoothly. The operation time of the juvenile delinquency procedure in China is short, and it is in the concrete practice. In a certain problem, in order to give full play to its special protection and correction function, this article analyzes the current status of the procedure for the recording and sealing of juvenile delinquency records in our country and examines the relevant provisions outside the region. On this basis, it tries to put forward the corresponding conception for the improvement of the procedure for the recording of juvenile delinquency in our country. The text is divided into four parts. :
The first part is an overview of the procedure for the record sealing of juvenile delinquency records. First, the concept and the specific content of the procedure for the closure of the adult criminal record are discussed in two aspects, and then the factors which need to be considered in the design of the procedure are analyzed. A comprehensive analysis.
The second part is the starting procedure for the record sealing of juvenile delinquency records in China. The criminal record seal of minors may be started in accordance with the authority and may be initiated according to the application. The scope of the application subject can be relaxed to protect the interests of the juvenile delinquency in accordance with the application. The penalty and the quality of the crime are the evaluation of the criminal behavior before the minors. It does not reflect the reform of the minors. It is true that it is truly repentant to set a certain test period to investigate the minors, and the minors can apply for the record of the sequestration in the case of genuine repentance.
The third part is the procedure for examining and determining the record of juvenile delinquency in China. The court of original trial is reasonable as a storage audit institution, and the court can adopt a combination of written and hearings to decide whether to seal the criminal record of minors. In order to improve the efficiency of the system of official Independence, the case is more complicated, and the controversial cases should be judged by the collegiate bench.
The fourth part is the relief procedure for the record seal of juvenile delinquency in China. When the minors are infringed on their own criminal records, the rights of the victims in juvenile delinquency can be sought to ensure their rights.


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